New Employee

"If not for her, you wouldn't be here anymore. It is because of her that you survived. She lent you a hand when you most needed it, so why would you be afraid of someone like that?" Chen Ge's voice was warm and calm—it seemed to possess a unique power.

Fan Chong thought about it for a long time. He suddenly felt that Chen Ge had a point. "You have nothing after death, not even the chance to chase after happiness. You're right, I should thank her."

"Actually, when you told me the old lady's story, I was instantly reminded of Xiao Bu. The old lady stayed next to Xiao Bu's home, so the girl that she saw was probably Xiao Bu." Chen Ge looked at the little girl on screen who wore her mother's pajamas. "The old lady lived alone, and when she suffered from heart attack, with none of the neighbors clued in, someone called the emergency line. Who do you think made that call?"

"Xiao Bu?"