Using the City as a Womb

"I can give you the child, but you have to be clear about this—if this issue is not fully resolved, this thing will happen again in the future, and it might not be me who is holding the child next time." Chen Ge put Wen Wen down. The child was still holding the shampoo bottle. She liked to stick close to her sister; without her sister, she felt so unsafe.

"There is no need for you to worry. I will look after Wen Wen." The woman looked at Wen Wen—the girl had already calmed down. She did not resist her aunt, but she did not leave with her either.

"Follow your aunt home. I will help fulfill her wish." Chen Ge pointed at the bottle. "Trust me."

After a long time, Wen Wen finally let go off the bottle and silently went to grab her aunt's hand. Seeing Wen Wen return to normal, the woman sighed in relief.

"You should go home now. Leave the rest to me." Chen Ge placed the water bottle inside his backpack as he stared at the dark surface of the lake.