Thriller Paradise Begins

The 'door' in Li Wan City had already gone out of control, and the blood fog had consumed half of the town, blurring the line between nightmare and reality. Currently, Chen Ge had no idea whether he was inside the door or not because with the blood fog covering everything, blood vessels crawled on the surface of all the buildings.

If we walk down this path, we'll be at the building where the phone spirit's body was discovered. Maybe I should go to the roof to check the water tank.

In real life, the body of the phone spirit, Tong Tong, had already been taken away by the police, so if there was still a body inside the tank, then it could only mean that Chen Ge was in the world behind the door. The world behind the door had been created from the memory of the door-pusher, so as long as Tong Tong's body existed in Xiao Bu's memory, there would be a high probability of a body being abandoned inside the water tank.