Walk In, Crawl Out

"Don't worry, Boss, I promise to complete the mission!" Qu Changlin patted his chest and promised. He did not mind even if his boss was not there personally to see it, and he gave his promise first.

"I like your attitude, Changlin. That's why you are one of our Haunted House's best employees. That is why I've assigned you an important location like the bathroom. I hope you won't disappointment me."

"As long as he enters this scenario, I guarantee you that he will walk in but crawl out."

"The man is attention-detailed and very dangerous. I will disconnect my communication with you later to prevent your location from being exposed, but I will follow your movement through the cameras."

"Boss, I will not disappoint you." After Qu Changlin gave another promise, he was reminded of something. He lowered his voice to ask, "Boss, the closest scenario to mine is the Pen Spirit. Did something happen to Xiao Die?"