Who? Say Again

"I've memorized the name of the care unit. I will relay that to my superior now."

"You'd better move fast; the patient's condition is very unstable. If he stays in coma for too long, it'll cause damage to his brain."

"Understood." The leader left an officer behind to manage to scene while he led the other people back to the police station.

Pushing open the glass door of the police station, a wave of commotion rushed at the captain. He frowned, looking at his place of work. The place was bustling with people, and they had exaggerated expressions as they unloaded their grievances onto the officers on duty.

"This has become such a lawless place! Is this how the rules work?" the captain yelled at the young officers who were on duty. His voice was stern.

"Captain Cai! You're finally back. It's not that we're not following the rules, but the situation is very unique." The young officer handed the compiled written record to Captain Cai.