What Have I Seen?

"From a normal person's perspective, I might be crazy or at least that was what the old dog kept saying. He even said that he would kill me." Yin Hong scoffed with condescension. She did not continue like, if she did, it might pull up yet another secret.

"I think I get it. The reason for your appearance is because Yin Bai suffered constant fear, but she had no one to rely on, so a persona that is completely different from her own surfaced within her." Chen Ge tried looking for similarities between Yin Hong and Yin Bai and himself, but he tried for a long time and still failed to find anything. From a young age, he had been cared for, and he did not have to worry about anything. Other than his parents' unique parenting style, his childhood had not been that different from that of any other child.