Chapter 2

Lucy awoke the following morning to the cheerful sounds of birds cheeping - oh and Bernards persistent snoring. Another day that will be spent helping animals she thought happily to herself as she yawned. After getting dressed, making herself breakfast and feeding Bernard, she went to collect her mail on the way out. Except what greeted her at her mailbox was not her usual morning mail, rather an owl. Actually, make that several owls! The shock of it all, caused her to stumble backwards and fall on her behind. Owls were often said to be a bad omen bringing ill health, bad luck or in the worst case scenario... death! The fact that there were about 30 of them perched in her front garden in broad daylight made it all the more unsettling. She quickly finished locking the door and scurried past them in an attempt to escape their beady stares. That fact that she could almost feel their heads turn in her direction and their eyes follow her all the way down the street made her walk all the more faster.


Several hours had passed and she had somewhat forgotten about the owl incident, putting it at the back of her mind. Today they were undertaking a farm study, getting the opportunity to look after sheep, cows, horses and pigs on a farm. Looking around at the quaint farmhouse and the well-kept fields she couldn't help but think about how appealing the idea of farming was. How nice, I've always wanted to be a farmer. Such a peaceful lifestyle... she thought to herself.

The students were split up into different groups, Lucy ending up in the one in charge of the horses. They were led to a paddock where several horses where gathered that needed their teeth, as well as their hooves, checked. Upon entering the paddock, each student was told to choose a horse and perform a checkup on it. While standing idly struggling to decide which horse to choose, she felt something soft and slightly damp nuzzle her back. She spun around to find a lovely chestnut coloured horse with white splotches on its forehead. Aww, so cute! She reached out and gently stroked its nose. And friendly too! I wish I could take him home with me...

After checking his teeth which all appeared to be in order, she began inspecting his hooves for any dirt and stones that needed to be removed when suddenly there was a loud bang that rang out across the farm. Whatever it was sent all of the horses into a frenzy. Several horses broke away from their vets. Even her own horse friend stood up on his hind legs with a magnificent neigh, before bolting off into the distance with the speed of a racecar.

"H-hey come back! There's nothing to be afraid of-"

"WATCH OUT!" Screamed a horrified onlooker, but by the time she looked, it was already too late for Lucy who became paralysed in her place. There was a stampede of frightened horses barreling towards her and nothing was going to get in their way...

That was the end of Lucy Lee's life... or so it should have been...