Chapter 4

"Where on earth is this place?"

This was most definitely not her room or even earth for that matter! It was simply too beautiful to even comprehend. Standing up-right revealed the full extent of the place she was in.

"Fuwaa this really is heaven!!"

Her eyes sparkled at the sight of endless green hills with flowers of every colour growing on top, matching the arching rainbow sweeping across the sky. She had to see more of this wonderful place! She began running through the fields with Bernard following not too far behind.

"Wait up Señorita, don't go too far without me!"

But it didn't reach the ears of Lucy who was now engrossed in her surroundings. The sensation of the soft grass tickling her feet confirmed her suspicion. She was not dead - she was in fact, still very alive! Suddenly her feet felt cold and wet, the shock of it sending chills up her back. She had run into a crystal clear stream and watched in awe as shimmering gold and silver coy danced around her feet. She couldn't hold back her excitement anymore longer and squealed with delight as she grabbed a handful of water and threw it into the air, causing it to fall around her like raindrops. Her squeal sent a flock of rainbow coloured parrots flying through the air in a flurry of feathers. She had never felt so alive.

"Surrounded by these animals, I could stay here forever!" She said spinning around.

She decided to explore some more with Bernard (who had since given up on talking some sense into her) at her side. Her eyes widened at the sight of extinct animals, from the dodo bird to the mammoth. What surprised her even more, was the fact that cats were living alongside dogs in perfect harmony!

It wasn't long before she came across a prairie. In it were small woodland animals like baby deer, hedgehogs and squirrels - but most importantly of all, bunnies! She spotted a white fluffball not too far from her, partly obscured by the long grass. She knelt down and extended out her hand in an attempt to lure it over. It was reluctant at first but slowly hopped over and touched its nose against her fingers.

"Awww so cute!"

She gently picked it up and began rubbing her cheeks up against its soft fur.

"I see that you're enjoying yourself, I'm glad that you like it." Spoke a mysterious voice.

Bernard stepped in front of her, tail standing upright as he began growling at the mysterious stranger who had suddenly appeared. She hadn't even heard them approach her!

She gently put down the bunny, who to her surprise, hopped over to the mysterious man's feet...