Chapter 7

3 days had passed since the whole 'concussion' incident. She had been under house arrest *cough* I mean on bed rest since then. The whole time she was fussed over by maids and forbidden from leaving her bed. According to an eyewitness (the gardener), it appears that this Chinessa girl was trying to rescue a cat that was stuck in a tree but ended up falling in the process, causing her to get a 'concussion.' It had been concluded that she had gotten amnesia from the fall. However, it seems to have had the opposite effect as it had caused her to remember her past life memories instead.

Chinessa happens to be me, in case you were wondering. Chinessa Ruru Edina McGhee. If that isn't a ridiculous name, I don't know what is!

Over the past few days, she was visited by strangers bringing gifts who claimed to be her family. The most worried of all were a young couple calling themselves her parents. However, she had a hard time believing them as they looked to be about the same age she was when she died!

They desperately tried recounting events that had supposedly in her past in an attempt to help her regain her memories, but none of it rang a bell to her.

She asked them if they had any photographs but they just looked at her with a perplexed expression on their faces.

"What are photographs?" They asked, tilting their heads.

Hmm... how strange. Maybe they call them something else here?

They eventually gave up exhausted and walked away with fallen shoulders, vowing to return the next day and try again to help her get back her memories.

Good luck with that...

Oh, and that so-called doctor they brought in was nothing more than sham. She couldn't rely on him for answers at all, considering his methods where ancient! Even though she was a veterinary student, she knew much more about modern medicine than this guy!


Being forced to stay in bed for 3 days left her with some time to think about what had happened up until now.

So this is my new life now, huh? She thought to herself.

This must have been the reincarnation that god was talking about. I was expecting to be reincarnated as a baby so waking up in a child's body was a bit of a shock to me. Speaking of which, I wonder how old I am...

Looking around the room, she noticed that it was pretty lavish, almost too much for a child. This room alone was bigger than her entire apartment! On the walls was a handpainted mural of a jungle featuring several majestic animals and in the corner of the room was a toy box overflowing with toys and handmade plush animals.

Since no one was around to reprimand her, she slipped out of her bed and quietly tiptoed over to what looked like a vanity. She wasn't yet tall enough to see her reflection in the mirror so she climbed on top of the stool to give herself a boost.

She was half expecting to see reflected back her ordinary brown hair and eyes of her previous life's appearance. What greeted her was the appearance of a girl around 4 or 5 years of age. Her brown eyes remained but her previously brown hair had turned into a bright yellow colour like that of a baby duckling! It gave her so much of a shock that she lost her footing and fell yet again.

She wasn't Lucy anymore, that was for sure, but she didn't feel like she was this Chinessa girl either!