The Memories of Origin Tree(2)

In the moderately lit room under the gaze of commander, professor Thames opened the box to see a greenish, small pigeon egg sized crystal with a smooth surface. It is a luminous object with a rainbow-colored haze rotating around itself like a small nebula.

Agunah looking at the small egg-shaped crystal in front of the commander is enchanted by it and can feel the strong life force contained in that seed... that's right, that's what she thought it as 'a seed', no one told her what it is but she can feel the vibrant life energy contained in it wanting to erupt from its shell to propagate the life within.

In a daze she asked "what is this...seed?" before realizing her mistake of asking something beyond the bounds of her authority wanted to apologize only to see the agitated looks of her commander's face and a fanatical smile on the overstretched mouth of the professor bisecting his face, his eyes transfixed on the seed.

Hearing her voice commander regained his composure and looked at her while asking, "Have you ever heard of the alchemy branch 'Origin Cauldron'?".

"You mean those fanatic alchemists who thought of creating pills from astral bodies like stars, moons, and planets by refining them in a stove? " asked Agunah.

"cough cough....., "coughed prof. Thames indicating he is still here which told her his background, at the same time prompted her next question, "Isn't it concluded that converting astral bodies into pills is an impractical process with heavy losses? and last time they tried to refine a planet it resulted in a huge explosion and killed them all?"

"Yes and no, " replied the commander and watched towards the professor for a suitable explanation.

"Actually refining stars, moons, and asteroids are feasible, even lifeless dead planets but the result is not much appreciated rather shows good results when used as weapon crafting material whereas refining planet filled with life and self-sustained ecosystem is a whole different ball game altogether which contains pure untainted origin energy.

Last time our department head created a space lock barrier to cover from untoward eyes of enemy factions and used all the personnel and resources of our department to refine a newly formed planet into an origin pill but who would have thought it is against the will of universe which called for heavenly tribulations and smite every last one of them into ashes.

I was not there when they were refining the planet but after searching the wreckage this seed is the only thing that is available, we named it 'Origin Seed'. I can say this confidently, that formation of this seed is purely because of an accident and can never be repeated a second time otherwise will of the universe smite that whole civilization into ashes, " explained prof. Thames with a proud face like he created it himself.

'But this still doesn't solve our problem of occupying this planet before others, ' thought Agunah

"HOH!!?....would you see that, " exclaimed the commander raising from her own thoughts only to see commander looking at the seed with amazement and interest and continued saying, " wonder my father devised such a plan. I doubted this plan until this moment but not anymore HAHAHAHA".

"commander what happened?" asked the professor only to be answered, "this seed has its own consciousness but more like an artificial intelligence rather than one with emotions, that too very strong conscious enough to cover the whole battleship and record every event that's happening around it".

"I doubt that box even sealed it's conscious within the box and if I am not wrong it is seeing everything happening in this ship even before coming to this room, " thinking about something he gazed towards the professor and asked, "when did you bring this box outside from the container personally sealed by my father"

Prof. Thames sweating profusely said,"ju...just 30 minutes before coming to the room " he gulped audibly remembering the infamy of prince Xylus Amilio, son of one of the twelve high-lord saying, "I prepared everything in the rune lab to combine void crystal and origin seed and brought out the box to come to you and bring you to the lab".

Xylus laughed loudly again seeing the flustered expression of the professor and said, "No need be worried Prof. Thames whatever it heard or recorded will have to stay within itself until the end. Let's move on to the lab".

They moved to the lab which is lit with many screens filled with cryptic symbols and runes being calculated real time and in the middle of the room lay there a platform with many geometric alchemy designs powered by energy crystals. In the middle of this platform are two crystals, one is green with rainbow-colored haze revolving around it with a size of pigeon egg and the other is a dark, brownish red and fist-sized crystal both floating inches above the platform. While the origin seed is born from an accident, the void crystal is mined from the core of black hole which has the power to bend the space and time around it if excited.

The platform not only consists of these two crystals but also many elemental crystals and various catalytic materials from all over the universe to make the fusion between the two crystals possible and many energy crystals to supply energy to the platform. While many alchemists are drawing many arrays and formations on these many crystals also summoning and teleportation formations on the void crystal.

Watching from an elevated stage commander Xylus is overseeing the proceedings and Agunah is musing in her own minds about many possible scenarios while frowning with a contemplative look, seeing this commander asked, "What are you musing about Agunah?".

"My lord forgive my inability but I can't think of any possible way to conquer this planet with the origin seed, " answered Aguna.

"HAHAHAHA..... this is a plan devised by my father to become the strongest power in the multiverse or even rule it. If it can so easily be understood by you then it won't be much of a scheme, now would it? and this plan is one to conquer the plane but infiltrate it from inside" said the commander with a proud smirk.

Seeing the crystals fusing on the platform he continues, " Even though origin seed is a foreign substance not native to that planet, it is still a seed with pure nature energy and life force also accepted by the will of the universe so the planet won't reject it. And even though void crystal is a multidimensional resource which cannot exist in an un-evolved planet, still after fusing with origin seed it becomes a part of a high energy being which has its own self-conscious. It's not like we are introducing a new rule onto this un-evolved planet are we, there are already many high-energy beings on this planet with their own conscious slumbering in the depths of the planet to awaken after its evolution " with a mischievous smile.

"AH...." Agunah felt like struck by thunder especially after hearing the last sentence, 'right, there really are high energy beings slumbering to wake up along with the planet's evolution' she thought, 'they are the protectors of the plane born along with the plane called guardians. I...Is the plan to create another guardian ' she really became utterly speechless by this ingenious plan.

'This really is a plan, not to conquer but to infiltrate from behind the enemy lines, this plan is using the loophole in the rules imposed by the will of the universe. Nothing less expected from a revered high-lord who is a hegemon in both power and politics in the multiverse but then again this is only possible because of a freakish accidental miracle that is origin seed and can never be repeated again, ' she mused within herself

While she is thinking all this, the fusion is completed and the resultant crystal seemed like a greenish crystal with blackish and reddish shades with a haze of multi-colored light revolving around it. After completion, the resultant crystal is placed within a missile already prepared and made ready for launch. Prof. Thames looked one last time for confirmation towards the prince Xylus who is also the commander in chief of this operation.

After giving a confirmatory nod to the professor, commander watches the planet outside through the observation panels set in the lab in which he can see a missile zooming towards the water body on the planet.


Meanwhile on the planet below, even before the missile is launched evolution has already started.

Entire planet consists of only a single large continent which counts for nearly one-third of all the surface area of the planet surrounded by water on all sides, which is covered by a dense mist of cosmic energy. Vegetation grew vigorously all over the land mass, the air itself felt like pumped with energy and slightly vibrating. All the living beings running helter-skelter with bewilderment and confusion.

Slowly the mega-continent also started vibrating eventually becoming bigger and bigger, simultaneously volcanoes all over the continent and inside the ocean alike started erupting like chain reactions one burning asunder the land around them while the other creating new landmasses from cooling magma.

At that time, a small spark appeared in the sky leaving a trail of smoke behind it which zoomed directly into the ocean floor and disappearing in it. But the earthquakes on the planet still continued becoming more and more prevalent until the single mega-continent broke into many bigger and smaller land masses getting further away from each other. Some smaller land masses started expanding absorbing fog like cosmic energy while bigger ones with more energy are both increasing in size and density.

Suddenly all the vibrations started rapidly dampening like someone or something forcefully absorbing all the active energy inside the planet and even the fog started dissipating finally calming down like the evolution never started to begin with.

Watching all of this happening from the observation screens in his shuttle commander gave an amused smile like everything is within his expectations and was about to give the orders for return while thinking of how many of his crew should he silence along the way. Suddenly his face froze and turned around to look at the planet because, he felt like the whole planet is looking at him angrily just for a moment but he can't find anything unordinary on the planet with his conscious so he watched for a while muttering, "this puny planet really is unique" and laughed loudly while relaying orders for the return.