Soul Attack

97. Soul Attack

The pincer strength from Guo Yi caused the Scale of Doom to start shaking, it looked like it was about to crumble!

While both of them struggled to overcome the opponent's strength, Kirios, who knew Guo Yi would lose if the situation kept going like this, decided to use the only reason the insect was worn as a new body.

Soul Leech Bug, a dangerous species of bugs that acted like leeches, they would connect their souls to their prey's souls and gradually absorb it, over time they would be nothing more than an empty shell and the bugs would grow stronger with each victim.

The danger lay in the fact that a cultivator below the fourth cultivation stage was unable to use or detect any damage to his soul resulting in a prolonged and undesirable death.

"After absorbing his soul I will need to rest for a long time, but if I preserve his body I will be able to use it in the future... "If he could, Kirios would be smiling at the possibility of getting a new young and strong body!

"I've already proven that transplanting a soul is possible...I'll be remembered forever and I'll be there to see it age after age!"

Without further ado, Kirios opened his mouth and a small invisible thread formed by his soul slowly advanced towards Rainer through the battle chaos.



Both withdrew after the collision, Guo Yi's body was covered with numerous bloody cuts, he looked like a berserker unable to feel any pain as he charged again and again towards Rainer.

Although his poisonous spiritual energy was powerful, it was very exhausting for him to create a poisonous mist, so he stopped it in orden to save some spiritual energy.


A cold sweat ran down Rainer's back alerting him of possible dangers, but he was unable to detect anything!

Although he did not relax his guard, he focused on his opponent opposite him.

Rainer's sword moved as if it were alive, when Guo Yi was about to hit Rainer, his sword was already there to block him, after looking at the sword, Guo Yi felt a pair of yellow eyes staring at him!

Even Rainer felt his blade's desire for his enemy's flesh and blood!

"Why I can''t bend his sword?Besides its ornaments, it looks like a normal sword!" Guo Yi thought as Rainer advanced and stabbed his thigh, with each attack, it seemed that the blade strength was being strengthened!

"Entertain him a little longer and he'll be finished...kekeke..." Whisper Kirios to Guo Yi.


Although disgusted, Guo Yi was relieved since he knew he could not defeat the young man standing right in front of him!



A sharp pain pierced Rainer's neck, he took a few steps and checked the wound to discover that there was nothing there!

"What the hell just happened?" Rainer thought.

"It's now or never!"

Feeling it was his chance, Guo Yi advanced swiftly and with his claw raised he attacked Rainer.

"No idiot! Just a little bit more!" Kirios shout.


Seeing Guo Yi charging against him, Rainer immediately countered with his blade...

A silver flicker shone in the dark night as the sound of cut flesh echoed through their ears.


Guo Yi looked at his missing limb with fear, he was promised an invincible body and his claw was so easily severed!

"You Damned! Ahhhhrgg!"The restrained anger for so many years drove Guo Yi mad, he had ceased to be human long ago and the little rationality he had left was gone.

Facing a beast instead of a human, Rainer's blade danced along with the night breeze and made an X-shaped attack on his enemy's chest.

The maddened Guo Yi spat blood as he retreated, after roaring, his body's flesh began to tremble as it regenerated.

A maddened smile covered Guo Yi's face as he tried to taste his new strength.

"If in order to obtain a beast' s strength you have to renounce your humanity and rationality, it is not worth using that garbage of technique!" Shouted Rainer as he threw his sword to the sky and disappeared from his enemy's sight.

Guo Yi looked for his enemy but it seemed as if he had vanished! He roared in rage at having lost his prey.

At the next moment, a blade descended from the sky and pierced Guo Yi's head and body, his eyes light disappeared instantly and collapsed on the ground.

As Rainer withdrew his sword from Guo Yi's corpse, a small insect flew out and gripped Rainer's clothes unnoticed.

The strange sensation did not leave Rainer's body so now that there was no danger, he decided to inspect the area with his demonic eyes.

