Welcome to the Villainess System

I'm Mina Takashima, a normal seventeen-year-old girl, I have a great family and amazing siblings. Since I was young my parents raised their children to follow their dreams, because of that I started to perform on stage. By the time I entered high school I was considered one of the greatest young actresses of my time. I truly was living a life full of no worries or regrets.

Since I strove to be nice and kind to all in hopes of not making any enemies, I had to hide all my secret hobbies. I met a lot of people while studying to be a great actress and one of those people introduced me to the world of anime, manga, and games. At first, I played to be nice when I was offered a game from one of my friends; but then I became hooked on the new world. Before I knew it I became a full otaku and truth be told I wasn't ashamed of the face.

One day I went home after a play rehearsal, I was looking forward to finishing the latest manga I was into, but all of sudden in the sky a huge white light flashed and then everything went dark. When I opened my eyes I was in a white room and wearing a white dress with my hair down.

'Where am I? Oh no, did I get kidnapped!'

I was totally freaking out, I was a popular actress so the possibilities of me being kidnapped were high. While I was having a total internal freak-out, without my knowledge there was an unknown spectator watching me.

[Dear host, please calm yourself.]

"Who said that?"

[I'm am the system 8604213, but you may call me Momo.]

"Okay Momo, where am I and how did I get here?"

[Dear host, you are currently in the resting room and why you are here is because you were chosen.]

"Chosen? Chosen for what?"

[My boss believes with your talent as an actress and your bright personality you'll be able to help our poor targets.]

"I'm still confused, please explain what you mean, Momo," I say as I sit down.

[In many worlds, stories are shaping the environment but my boss has noticed a trend that he did not wish to happen. While each world has a male lead and female lead, there are also other characters that help shape the world, for instance, the villain. While many male villains get to have a semi-normal life after helping the leads achieve their goals, we have noticed that the villainesses are ending up living horrible lives or worst death.]

I just listen to Momo's words and my head starts to hurt. 'Of course, they will lead an unhappy life, I mean they are the villains.' I thought while I continue to listen to Momo's story.

[Dear host, I know where your mind is taking you but you are wrong to think the villains don't deserve a second chance of having a good life. My boss only uses the villains to help move the worlds along but somehow many female leads are leading the villainess to their demise. You were chosen to help them achieve their innermost wish.]

"Me? How can I help them?" I say while standing up in shock.

[You have a great talent to become someone else and make them shine, my boss would like you to do this for our poor targets.]

"Okay Momo, I hear you and I get that those villainesses have a sad fate, but I don't want to be involved. So can you send me back home."

I stood there waiting for the light and being ready to put this behind me but Momo wouldn't say anything. I started to get a very unpleasant feeling in the pit of my stomach.

[Dear host, I have just spoken to my boss and unfortunately, you can not return to your world.]

"What!" I shouted.

[If you choose not to help you will encounter the punishment world. Dear host, I advise you to avoid that world as many other systems have told me their host never make it back.]

I stood there in anger, trembling with rage. I couldn't believe what I was hearing and was trying to figure out what I did to deserve being stuck here.

"So are you saying there is no way else for me to get home," I say in a deadpanned voice.

[If you complete the ten mission worlds then you will have enough prize points to return home. You need one million points to return to your world.]

I calmed myself and steeled my nerves. 'If I have no choice but to do this then I will,' I think and sigh.

"I want to return to my world so I will complete your mission worlds, but I'll be doing it on my own terms."

[I don't understand what you mean, dear host.]

"Your boss wants me to help those poor villainesses shine, I'll make them shine. I just won't let anyone else ruin my happiness while I'm there. So tell your boss that anyone who is ready to get in the way of my happy ending will have to watch out because Mina Takashima is here.

[Understood. Now let me transfer you to your first world. You will be going back before you encounter any events that lead to your targets demise.]

"Got it! Let's do this Momo."

There was a white light that filled the room and then everything went dark.

[Tranfering host..... Transfer in 3.... 2.... 1... Transfer Complete.]