School Saint (2)

The next morning I got up extra early and went to the cafeteria to prepare for the extra special event for my sister. From the memories of this body, it seems my sister gets everything she wants in this life and finds a way to get it if she denied when she asks for it. So when I denied her the position of the representative for the national singing contest, she was outraged.

'Momo, didn't you say that Yui is this world's female lead.' I asked Momo while sitting down with my breakfast.

[That is correct]

'Really? I mean how can a woman who schemes to get what she wants, become the female lead.'

[She has the white lotus effect, no matter what she does people will see her in a good life.]

'Well, I'm just going to have to break her mask and show the world her true self.'

[Dear host, I should remind you that this world needs a female lead.]

'Oh, she will be the female lead, but I never said she would be seen in a good light. If she leaves me alone I won't bother her but if she gets in the way of my goals, no mercy.'

After I finish talking with Momo I leave the cafeteria, now that everything is in place I just have to let the main actress start the performance.


After sitting through a bunch of boring classes it was finally time for lunch. One thing I'm glad about is in this world my family is really wealthy, because of that, I get to enjoy some very amazing meals. As I finish my meal and start on the cheesecake with chocolate fudge, I see my sister enter the cafeteria.

She looks around and when she spots me I can see her getting into character; when she reaches me she starts to cry to get everyone attention.

"Onee-sama, I'm so hurt. I can't believe you would do something so horrible!" She loudly wails.

I put my fork down and look up her with dead eyes, "What are you talking about Yui."

"I heard that you took the competition forms, is being the school representative that important to you!"

"Yui, even if you're my sister, if you accuse me of such horrible things I won't be able to protect you," I say in a calm voice.

By now everyone is paying attention and many are wondering who is telling the truth. I noticed that my other actors have arrived, I feel the climax is about to arrive.

"Onee-sama, I know you are a good person so I think you were just confused when you too the forms. If you give them back I believe everyone would forgive you." She tells me this with a teary-eyed look that captures the hearts of many of the other students.

I can already see a lot of students looking at me like I'm in the wrong, 'People who make their minds up without the facts are truly stupid,' I thought while internally sneering at them.

"Since you decided to accuse me then I'm sure you have some evidence."

Yui looked shocked that I said that statement, maybe because the former Mayumi would have been too shy to speak out her true voice. 'I still don't get why former Mayumi would be shy in a social setting when she is okay with performing on stage.' I thought with a sigh.

"Onee-sama, I know you took the forms, I saw you. I believe you would do the right thing but I didn't think you would lie and not give them back."

When she said that I had the urge to smack her in the head. "Yui, I'll say this again, just because you say you saw me take the forms where is your proof. I can't help to believe you want me to be seen in a bad light with our fellow peers," I say while standing.

Before she can say anything back I continue, "As your older sister, I feel greatly disappointed that you would accuse me of something but as your senpai I feel outraged that you can't back up your claim. Now unless you have proof and you submitted said proof with the school, you should leave and take your friends with you because I don't have the time to play your games."

I intended to leave with that notion but my sister grabbed my hand, "Wait! Onee-sama, I know you are scared and you said all that out of fear but please tell the truth so your punishment will become light. If I really show the proof then there will be no way to help you."

I shake my hand out of her grasp and coldly glare at my sister. "I tried to give you a way out and forget your foolishness but I won't any longer. If you keep this up I'll make us go to a school trial."

After I said that everyone started to whisper, in this academy that really focus on its image, it's known that the students must follow the rules. When a rule is broken and the accused party denies it than a school trial can be used for justice. The only downfall of the school trial is the punishment of the parties involved can be really grand, from suspension to expelled from the academy altogether.

Yui knowing the great importance of a school trail gets a panic feeling but doesn't act on those feelings and keeps her sister from leaving the cafeteria.

"I don't want to go through the trials so I'll have to show the proof to everyone now. Just remember I tried to warn you, Onee-sama." She then goes to grab something from her bag, but just before she could say anything my true player comes into the room.

"What is going on here!" President Kei yells as he marches toward us.

Everyone automatically takes a step back when they gaze upon his angry face.

"President Kei, it seems that Mayumi Sunohara is a thief. Her younger sister saw her taking the competition forms from the student council room, we were only trying to get her to confess." One of Yui's friends says.

When the student finishes her explanation it could be seen that President Kei's mood was getting darker.

"Younger Sunohara, what is the meaning of this?" He says while glaring at Yui.

"P-president Kei, I can explain!" Yui says while going toward him.

President Kei just darkly chuckled and continued to glare at Yui, "Explain? Yes, tell us all of how you're trying to frame your sister again."

Now that President Kei said that everyone looked in shocked at Yui. "What do you mean she tried to frame me again?" I asked President Kei.

When he looked over at me I can feel my heart start to flutter, 'I can see why Yui likes him.' I thought.

"Your sister told us that you had the forms and were looking at them yesterday when the vice- president and myself went to investigate you were not there." I looked over at Yui with a face of pure sadness.

"Yui did you really do such a thing, why are you trying so hard to get me in trouble," I say with a catch in my voice.

I really know how to touch people hearts because I can swear some of the guy's hearts just skipped a beat while looking at me.

"No! I'm not lying! Onee-sama, please tell everyone the truth!"

"Truth? Fine, I'll tell the truth. It turns out my sister really hates me because I can't figure out why you would try and frame me time and time again." I say this and start to tear up.

All of the students look at me with pity, many of them know me as a model student who is kind to all; to have a sister who plots against me is horrible.

Yui feeling the mood shift could only stand there in silence while watching everyone start to agree with my words.

Yui started to shake her head and went back to pull out the proof she had, Watabi-san entered with a frown.

"President Kei, there you are."

"Watabi-san, what is it?" President Kei asked still upset about the whole situation.

"I found the competition forms, after yesterday, I decided to search and investigate on my own." She says while handing over the forms.

President Kei, looking at them than responded to Watabi-san, "Where were they?"

Even when he asked this question knowing the answer, Watabi-san glared at Yui, "It turns out it was in Yui Sunohara's dorm room."

Everyone was shocked when she said that.

"My room? No! That can't be right!" Yui yelled.

Watabi-san giggled then pulled out her phone, "I need proof to prove an accusation as per the rule of the school. I filmed each name and number of the rooms I entered if we go inside now it shows that your room fits what is in the video." She says with a smug smile.

President Kei takes the phone and examines the video he then looks at Yui, "What do you have to say about this?"

Yui couldn't form any words, she was trying to think of a way of this situation but nothing came to mind.

Believing that Yui wasn't going to respond President Kei continued to speak, "There is no need of a school trial since we have all the evidence we need to know. Yui Sunohara, you will be punished for stealing from the school on confidential matters and accusing a student. Your punishment will be given tomorrow, everyone is to return back to their schedules." After saying that he then left the cafeteria with Watabi-san following.

Everyone went back to eating their lunch but not without giving Yui a scorned look. I then turned to Yui and whispered in her ear, "Yui, next time you plot against me I'll make sure you face the true power I have. Don't forget I can be just as sneaky as you." I then turned and left the cafeteria.


Yui's PoV

After hearing what Mayumi said Yui's heart shocked in fear.

Back in her dorm room, Yui was laying on her bed in a daze. 'Onee-sama, I don't know how you did it, but you won't get in my way.' I thought while glaring up at the ceiling.