School Saint (4)

The next day that afternoon, I was in a very fancy hotel lobby with my sister waiting for our parents. Yui was openly ignoring my existence, she still wasn't over herself and believed that I was in the wrong for not going along with her plans. Bored, I just got on my phone and played games as I waited for our parents to arrive.


I was in my dorm room doing my school work when I got a sudden call from Mayumi's mother.

"Hello, Mother," I said calmly.

"Mayumi, sweetie! How are you?" She said in an overly sweet voice.

I could only mentally sigh since Mayumi has been enrolled at this school for the last two years her parents did not really bother to contact her unless they wanted something in return.

"I'm doing okay mother. I was just completing some school work before I go to bed. Why did you call?"

I heard my mother giggle before responding, "Oh, sweetie! Does a mother really need a reason to call her daughter? I just wanted to see how you were doing, I got a call from your sister."

"Really? Yui called you about me?" I said calmly but truthfully getting angry. 'You guys only contact me because of Yui, don't you realize that Mayumi is also your daughter.' I thought while leaning back in my chair.

"Yes, she said you might have done something wrong and wouldn't confess. Dear, I care for you both but as the older sister you should set an example and do the right thing." She said in a serious voice.

The more I listened the more I got upset, 'So because Yui said something she must be in the right, now I understand why Mayumi got depressed with parents like these by her side.'

"Mother, I don't know what Yui has told you, but everything was a misunderstanding on her part. She did something and as you said I'm the older sister and was able to help her not get into too much trouble."

At first, my mother was quiet and I thought maybe we got disconnected but then she got upset, "Mayumi! You know Yui isn't the girl to hurt her sister or do something bad. She only would have said something if she actually saw you do something, you should be a good girl and confess to the school."

I could only sigh and feel pity for Mayumi, 'No matter what I say I would be in the wrong. I can't understand how parents could favor one child over another, such a pity.'

I sigh and tell my mother, "Mother I don't know what you want me to confess to but I haven't done anything wrong. If you only called me for this I have to apologize because I'm truly busy."

I wanted to hang up and forget this horrible conversation with my suppose mother but she suddenly shouted at me, "Mayumi! Wait! I see we won't get anything done talking over the phone. Tomorrow, your father and I have some free time so we should get together as a family for lunch at the hotel "La Cher.' We can discuss anything on our minds while we enjoy a nice meal," she said in that annoying sweet voice again.

Knowing I wouldn't be able to get out of going I agreed and hung up the phone. I could only look at the ceiling and sigh at the upcoming headache that would be occurring.


While I was playing my games that annoying sweet voice broke through my peaceful state, "Mayumi, Yui, over here sweeties," my mother called.

I looked up and really got a look at my parents in this world, Isuki Sunohara, ruggedly handsome 40-year old man. He was a successful CEO of this world number one investment companies. He wanted a son but when he noticed that his daughters had a once in a life skill he put his money on them to become the best. Since his wife spoiled their youngest daughter the most he started to as well and didn't notice that he was neglecting their eldest. Also, he started to put more pressure on Mayumi to become the best because he does recognize her talents. Aoi Sunoharea was a very gorgeous woman with youthful features for a 35- year old woman. When she had Mayumi she was very upset that she wasn't a boy but she cared for her child, when she had Yui, she doesn't know why but she started to spoil the young girl more than her oldest. After Mayumi was recognized for her talents in the arts, she made Yui take lesson hoping she would be even better than Mayumi. As the years went by the three became a team to rise Yui image even at the cost of Mayumi's.

Knowing my parent's personalities and how they treat their kids I really did not want to spend time with the trio. As we sat in the hotel's restaurant and waited for our food, there was an awkward silence around us. I saw Yui from the corner of my eye giving my mother a look, 'I guess the games begin,' I thought with a sigh.

"You two look so great. It really has been a while since I saw my two sugar cubes," my mother said with a giggled.

"Mother, we see each other all the time, but it's nice to get a surprise visit from you guys every once in a while," Yui said with a sweet smile.

I really didn't want to play along with this farce of a conversation but I had an image to maintain, "Yes, mother. I was glad to meet you both after such a long time in school. Spending some time with the family really helps gets the stress and nerves to fly away." I said with a warm smile.

I saw my mother slightly get shocked by my respond before covering her emotion and plastering on her smile, 'Yes, get shocked. Your eldest can play your games just as well if not better than you,' I sneer inside.

My father was quite the entire time just listening to us talk until he heard me bring up the subject of the national school singing contest.

"I heard Mayumi is the school representative, that truly is a lot of pressure and we all know how your personality is, maybe you should give this position to someone else." He said while giving me a clear to read face.

I was shocked, to say the least about his obvious demand. I knew that these parents of mine really spoiled Yui but to really tell me to give up a position in a competition that could really help me in the future is unbelievable. 'How could these people be so shameless.' I thought while feeling sad how Mayumi must have felt dealing with them.

"Father, you must be kidding. Even if I'm shy sometimes, you know how I behave when I'm on the stage, I just focus on the music. Also, would you really want me to give this opportunity up and lose honor for the Sunohara name," I said with a sad smile.

My father chocked on his drink when he heard my comment since he knows that Mayumi always agreed with his opinion without question. Since I was clearly stating truthful fact he couldn't find anything to say back to me.

"Onee-sama, you know father only means the best, he only wants you to have a peaceful school life," Yui said.

"Yes dear, you know your father and myself only want for our daughters to enjoy their lives and not worry about the hardship." My mother agreed.

I could only stare at them, 'Since they want to play with words, fine! Let's play.'

I looked down at my hands and then looked at my parents, "I see what you all mean. If you truly believe I should give up my position I could always give to Sakura Miwa, a first-year who was also chosen.

My sister looked panicked and instantly refused that idea, "No! I mean, Onee-sama, don't you think there is someone else better suited for this position." She said while giving side glances to our parents.

My mother picking up on the signal, "Yes. Mayumi, I heard your sister was also one of the first years chosen. Maybe, you could let her sing in this competition.

I could only giggle at that comment and looked at my mother with a gleeful expression, "Mother, surely you are telling me a joke. I mean didn't you say you wish for us to live a carefree life. Would it make sense for Yui to enter and then feel the pressure that comes with along with the title?

My sister and mother couldn't refute what I said, I mean they were the ones who wanted to replace the representative but couldn't find a way to make it Yui without going back on their earlier words. My father was usually quiet, so when I turned to him I found him really staring at me, "Father, you haven't told us what you think. What do you really think about Yui entering?" I asked.

Father has been a businessman for half of his life and can always read a room. Knowing that this trip was a bust he was ready to end this farce just as much as I was ready to leave. "Mayumi, I won't play around with you anymore. When you get to school you will let them know that you are giving your position to your sister." He demanded.

I was so angry that I wanted to slap this old man, how could he be so biased with his children. If I didn't confirm with Momo that Mayumi was really of their blood, I would have believed she was adopted as a daughter.

I stood up and grabbed my bag, looking at my parents and sister and for the first time in Mayumi's life gave them the coldest glare ever.

"I could never understand why you treated your children differently and why you favor Yui more but today I'm truly saddened by all of you. Since you are my family I will forgive you but I will not give in to your demands. Yui, you weren't chosen because you clearly don't have the skills for this competition and your constant plans to push me out makes me ashamed your my sister. Mother and father, I care and respect you but for you to ask me this means you don't care for my future. Being the case, I have to protect my dreams myself so for the time being, I think it bests we have some space until after we all cool our minds.

After giving my speech I left the restaurant not giving a care about their feelings or opinions, I was only hoping this wouldn't ruin my image.


As I was walking out of the restaurant I didn't notice the young man sitting near our table. I also didn't notice him giving me an understanding look as he watched me leave in anger.