Sugar Queen (2)

Xun Mi's PoV

When I saw that big brother Tan was not showing the reaction that I wanted, I turned around but only saw the guy I paid in the room looking confused. Shocked, I turned to big brother Tan to explain but I was greeted by a cold stare.

"Did you bring me down here to see a drunk guy? Don't you know today is my wedding day and I have better things to do than cater to your crazy actions." Tan Zihe said in a cold voice.

I grabbed his arm and wanted to explain but he shook me off, "Xi Xun Mi, I don't know what is going through your head but I'm getting sick and tired of you attacking my woman. Go home and behave or don't blame for being cruel to you if you try to ruin this special day." He said this in such a cold voice it sent shivers up my spine and tears started to form in my eyes.

When he finally left, I got back up on shaky legs and looked at the drunk guy in rage. Rushing into the room, I gave him a hard slap and glared as he picked himself off the floor. "What happen! I paid a lot of money to hire you and you can't do one simple job!" I yelled as I started to see red in front of my eyes.

The drunk guy seemed to sober up with my hit because he stood up in anger, "Hey lady don't blame me! I entered the room you gave me the key to but look around there is no woman. Don't get upset when you failed at your own plan." He yelled.

Not wanting to deal with this idiot any longer I hit him with a pillow that was close by, "You stupid man! You're useless and don't expect to get paid for not doing your job." With those words said I left and tried to think of a way to fix this misunderstanding with big brother Tan.


Once I got the video downloaded and sent to my phone of the whole conversation that happens in the room. I used the escape routes to make my way back to the restroom near the bridal chambers before Tan Zihe came and became suspicious of my whereabouts.

When I walked into the bridal chambers I saw my mother and sisters sitting with my cousins drinking some tea and laughing. Seeing me walk in my mother put down her cup and pulled me over to the sofa. "My dear, why are you walking around and making mother worry? Come and have some tea and relax, the special hour is almost upon us." She said in an excited voice, giving me a cup of jasmine tea.

Smelling the delicious aroma, I gave my mother a warm smile, "I'm so happy but also nervous so I wanted to take a walk, but I just ended in the restroom trying to calm my nerves." I told the room.

They all laughed fulling understanding my words, seeing how they were all happily married women themselves. It wasn't soon that my mother and aunts went to greet guest leaving me in the room with my older sisters. The three of was having a pleasant conversation when the door was bust open, and Xi Xun Mi rushed inside with anger on her face.

"An Su Mei! You slut! What games are you playing!?" She screamed running over toward me but was stopped by my older sister, An Su Ying. "Listen, Miss Xi, I don't know why you're here but I won't sit around as you insult my little sister on her important day."

"Her important day! Ha! An Su Mei is just a slut that is deceiving big brother Tan!"

Putting down my cup I calmly stood beside my sister, "Miss Xi, I don't understand what you're talking about. I love Zihe Ge and want to make him happy, I would never do anything wrong by him, not now or ever." I said with a voice filled with emotions of being wronged.

Somewhere deep down, I hoped that Xi Xun Mi would understand my words but after reviewing the story, I knew it would be pointless. While An Su Mei is the villainess of the story but it only happened because of the working that Xi Xun Mi did behind the scenes.

Just like I expected, Xi Xun Mi rose her hand in anger, "Don't lie to me!" She yelled.

Before her hand could even touch me, it was grabbed in a tight grip, "What do you think you're doing!" Tan Zihe yelled while glaring at Xi Xun Mi.