Sugar Queen (8)

Seeing the house coming up I thought about my next step to make the two even closer. Walking inside I saw the Tan family in the living room, with some guest chatting and drinking tea. When Madam Tan saw me she stood up in glee, "There is my lovely daughter-in-law. Come! Have some tea and talk with us." She said pulling her toward the group. Not wanting to break out of character, I happily smiled and joined them for a cup of tea.

Before I knew it, an hour and a half went by of me answering questions and explaining how happy I was to be married. Finally, when I was set free I could let out a nice long breath of relief when I was in my room. Getting changed into some more comfortable clothes, I heard my phone ding. Looking I saw it was a text from ZiHe's, saying he'll be late.

Smirking, 'Momo, tell me what has happened with our leads in the last hour! I asked laying on my bed. [Dear host, it seems that the female lead had a small accident, which the male lead happen to see when leaving working. Hurting her wrist, the male lead offered to take her to the hospital.] Momo said.

Closing my eyes, I couldn't be happier with the progress between the two leads. Now that the two are getting so close it will make me easier to start phase two of becoming best friends with Fan MeiLi. Getting out of bed I grabbed my laptop and looked at the little project that would help me with my other main mission.

According to the information, I gathered it seemed that on the surface the An family is widely successful but behind the scene, there are many people eyeing their large fortune. In this world, An Su Mei is a natural genius and it was foster by her grandfather and parents until the day she takes over the family company. The only problem was that many of her relatives looked down on the idea of having a female running the company, even if she was a genius.

An Su Mei hated being looked down so she strove for protection but I think of this a blessing in disguise. Since so many people didn't put her in their eyes it made it very easy to cause a little trouble without anyone being suspicious. Luckily I learned all of An Su Mei's skills, I was now able to bake and create recipes. Also, I was now really skilled in computer hacking a side skill that An Su Mei learned when she wanted to impress Tan ZiHe.

On my first night, I created a small virus program and sent it to my relatives and also uploaded to my company's computers. My lovely cousin An Wei decided to go against me only a day after I got married so I need to believe that they have a tie with the An's family enemy. If I'm wrong and I just have another sour relationship with some family members then that's okay but if I'm right then they will end up with losing everything.

Also, if I have a spy in the company if they tried to steal any of our precious company information then they'll have a hard time. The program will capture the thief but also locate the one who acquired the information of whoever looks at the An family files on a computer that is not one of ours. 'I'm the only one in the world who knows about this program so I just have to wait until the foolish party decided to steal some information.' I thought with a smile.

I was so busy updating the program I didn't hear the door open until I heard a ding of a phone. Thinking it was mine I went to look at it but saw it blank, that was when I noticed Tan ZiHe is in the room. Turning off my computer, I gave my new husband a smile, "Welcome home." I said standing up.

Looking up from his phone, "I'm back. Sorry for being late, something happened at work that I needed to take care of. Did you already eat?" He asked.

'Having a need to take care of the one who actually managed to move your heart for the first time is, of course, more important than your fake wife.' I thought while sitting on the bed.

"It's no problem, work is more important. I didn't have dinner yet because I was busy with my own project." I told him.

Looking down at his watch, he took off his tie, "It's not too late, do you wish to go get some dinner before we end the day." He asked walking into the walk-in closet.

I did want to finish my updates on my project but a great idea popped in my head that made a bright smile appear on my face. Tan Zi He who was walking out of the closet in more casual clothes was a little shock by my reaction. "I'm ready whenever you are, Zi He Ge."