Elemental Priestess (2)

So it turns out I dropped into a world filled with magic and swords, and I came two years before a great war that was prophesied by some great saint one hundred years ago. With the year of the great war approaching, the king of the kingdom of Asteria order all the young men and women to see if they have any magic potential. No matter if you are a noble or commoner if you have powers you were to go to the royal magic academy to train your powers.

In this world, my name was Nadia West, the youngest child and only daughter of the West duke family in the kingdom of Asteria. My father is known as the 'Red General', who has become a hero to the kingdom with his many accomplishments on the battlefield. While her mother was known as the 'Fire Queen', a masterful mage who had strong fire elemental magic.

I have two older brothers who both inherited strong magical powers from our parents and it was only expected that I would also have strong powers, and great looks. My mother who I now know is the beautiful lady riding with me in the carriage is very stunning, with her bright red hair and bright green eyes. From the memories playing in my head, my father is also very handsome and passed his great genes down to my older siblings.

I could only sigh, the plot of this story is going to be like one of the otome games I loved to play in my free time. As a duke daughter, I had many offers for marriage but my family only wants the best for their only daughter. When I was younger, my father brought up the idea of marriage to the crown prince, and the king and queen loved the idea.

From the world plot, it turns out that after the young men and women got their powers tested, there were a few individuals who had amazing marks. One being myself, I will unlock some powerful skills when I partake in the ceremony, but for some reason, Nadia West only trained her fire elemental magic. Which is weird because Naida was a rare talent who had the power of all of the elemental powers.

Since she decided to hide her abilities, another rare talent took the attention of many, a commoner girl name Lydia Clover. Having all the elementals was great because it meant one could use healing magic and that they also had vast mana. Everyone fell in love with the adorable common girl who had a kind heart and strong magic. That also included the Crown Prince, Samuel Forwell and a few other nobles and knights that also attended the Royal Academy.

As a proud duke's daughter and fiancee to the crown prince, Nadia West couldn't stand watching her future husband fond over another woman. In this world, manners were very important and social reputation was everything for people, and that was equally important to Nadia West.

Seeing Lydia Clover being extra close with her fiance she tried to tell her about the right social manners that are befitting of a young lady. The only problem was that Nadia's actions were misunderstood by those who started to fall in love with Lydia Clover. Many believed that Nadia was jealous of Lydia's powers and only wished harm upon the poor commoner girl.

It seemed that Lydia Clover had a great white lotus halo effect in this world which made everyone love and protects her. When the war started, Lydia used her powers to the max and played a large role in defeating the enemy of the Asteria Kingdom. Once everything was over, it was no surprise that during the celebration ball, Samuel asked for our engagement to be annulled. He brought up the many actions that Nadia committed at the Royal Academy and her horrible actions toward Lydia Clover.

Even when Nadia tried to explain to the king and queen, they wouldn't listen and agreed with their son. Samuel didn't want to see Nadia anymore so after the annulment he also banished her out of the kingdom never to return. The West Duke, while heartbroken had to think of the family and disowned his only daughter. Nadia West, who was raised as a noble daughter couldn't survive the world by herself. It wasn't long before she heard about the marriage of the crown prince and the white healer Lydia. Heartbroken and alone, Nadia died by herself when she fell off a cliff when trying to run away from some bandits.

Leaning slightly down in my seat, I closed my eyes trying to keep my face neutral and fight off the headache. That whole ton of information was very useful but also made me sighed internally by the notion of being brought into an otome game. I use to love playing them in my original world but living one is a whole different story.

Opening my eyes, I saw the temple closing in and a bright smile appeared on my face. I have no idea why Nadia West decided to hide her abilities but I couldn't follow such a path. I'll need to show this world what a duke daughter is made up of so I can have my own happy ending.