Elemental Priestess (4)

"Of course, Lady West, and I can't wait to see the day where many will say your praises." Prince Samuel said.

"I can't wait to see that day as well, my lady." The elderly priest said and then turned back to continue the rest of the ceremony.

Standing aside I watched the rest of the ceremony go by with a few more people unlocking wonderful and amazing powers. One of the individuals being, Lydia Clover, who also had the rare ability to control all the elements. Even though she was the female lead her rare ability wasn't as special after I was shown to have the rare power to have control of all the elements.

Once the ceremony was over, I made my way to the back garden to meet up with my mother. Apparently, many of the nobles had their ears close to the temple so they would know the results of their children. So I wasn't surprised when I got to the garden I was engulfed in a tight hug that smelled like flowers.

"Oh! My sweet, Nadia! You really are a blessing to the Duke-West family!" My mother gushed while hugging me tightly. Tapping her back, I tried to back away so I could talk and get away from the strong scent of flowers.

"Mother, I'm not really anything that special," I said calmly. "What are you talking about? You're a rare user who can control all the elements, that doesn't happen but once in a million years." Mother said in excitement.

Seeing Lydia Clover come inside the garden, probably looking for her family, I had to smile. "Mother, I don't know how rare this power could be, there was another person who had the same magical abilities as me," I said.

Following my line of sight, mother let out a sigh, "My dear, it's impressive that the young lady over there has strong abilities. Still, it doesn't compare to you because you are a noble of great magical bloodlines. With your rare abilities then you'll surely be a great hero for the upcoming war.

I let out a small giggle, I shouldn't expect my mother to say anything different when it comes to her own daughter. The two of us stayed to speak to a few families before left for her in the capital city. Just as I was getting on to the carriage, I heard hurry footsteps coming my way, "Lady West, a moment of your time."

I saw that it was a royal knight by the name Rick Anders, he was also one of the capture targets that would fall in love with Lydia Clover during their training period. "Oh, Nadia, I'll wait for you on the carriage. Please don't be too long." Mother said getting on the carriage and shutting the door.

"I'm sorry, Lady West, I have a message from the crown prince. "He had to leave as soon as the ceremony was over but he'll love to invite you to the palace while you're still in the capital." He said in a rush and slightly out of breath.

This was really different from the original plot before Prince Samuel only congratulated Nadia before going to talk more to Lydia Clover. He was really impressed by a commoner having such strong magical abilities and wanted to know more about her family history. Never once did he invite Nadia West to the palace of his own free will only by the order of father.

"Please, tell his highness that it'll be my pleasure to visit the palace," I said with a smile.

"Of course, my lady." Rick Anders said with a bow and then left to meet up with his squad.

Getting back on the carriage, I could finally breathe in peace and now I had to make a battle plan on how to get through this mission world. During the ride, mother was talking up a storm about how happy she was and about throwing a party to celebrate my magical abilities awaking.

Seeing that I was looking a bit tired, my mother told me to close my eyes and get some rest. Taking her up on the suggestion, I closed my eyes and decided to get some rest.

[Dear host, would you like to hear the missions for this world?] Momo asked, waking me up.

Yawning, I opened my eyes slightly, 'Very well, go ahead and give me the information I need.' I responded.

[Sending the world's mission in 3...2...1...]