On-Off Relationship

She gasp, looking at me with disbelief. She looked at me like I just said a very scary story. Her brown eyes looked at me then to the guy next to me then back at me as if she did not want to miss a single change in our facial expressions.

Sorry Miss but you won't catch me lying. I am pretty good in manipulating my facial expressions. Taking drama classes when i was a child helped me a lot when i was growing up.

"What do you mean? Who broke up with who?" she said doubt evident in her voice.

"I mean we were a couple but things didn't work out so I broke up with him." I flashed a sad expression as i turned a bit to face Mr. Trouble (I gave him a nickname, Mr. T for short).

His expression is cold as ever but I can see a bit of curiosity glimmering in his eyes. "Is it alright for me to tell her about us?" I asked Mr.T. I made sure to sound a bit concerned to peak his interest.

"En." he slightly nodded. He actually agreed? I was taken aback but I managed to control myself.

With his permission I turned to face Miss A (I also gave her a nickname, short for Miss Angel). With a sad expression on, I continued.

"We are in an On-Off Relationship. It's our 5th time breaking up this year."

"5th?? Who are you?" Miss A asked, guess she is not buying my story that easily.

"My name is Elrae Vienne Tan and yes 5th as in five times. I thought this would be our last and final break-up but I guess my honey is still in love with me and I can't deny my love for him too."

I moved closer to Mr. T. Standing side by side I can feel his dangerous aura seeping out of his body.

You asked for it so live with it. I am not going to make things easier for you.

"How come you didn't say anything about her before?" Miss A seems a bit calmer than I expected. She stared at Mr. T with a hurt expression.

"Is she telling the truth? How long were you two together? Does someone else know? Am I the only one who doesn't know?" she asked these questions one after another. Her voice is soft like before, it's like she's asking if the weather is nice outside.

Miss A smiled bitterly. "Kei... you said I lied to you. You said I broke your trust. But all along you were keeping secrets from me too. You also lied to me when you said that I was the one that you love." a tear escaped from Ms. A's left eye.

I didn't move or say a word, I don't know these people and I also don't know what their relationship with each other is so it's better for me to observe first the situation. I should have brought a snack but I was going to the ladies room! Seriously now that I calmed down I can feel my bladder calling my full attention!! o_o