Fadjie Bar

My beautiful eyes are about to go blind. My blue orbs rolling out of their phoenix-shaped sockets. OO

With wide eyes I blankly stared at the man in front of me. He was close enough that I can see a small mole on top of his flawless white nose. This mole is too small that it can't be seen unless you take a closer look, and right now we are too close. Very close! Close enough that our lips are now pressed together!!!!

We stayed like that for eternity! Though it felt like forever for me but in reality the kiss only lasted for 3 seconds. I felt his soft cold lips leave mine, he then moved to face Ms. A. With a smirk on his face, he said " We are even now." before pulling me away.

It took me a looooong time before I was able to process what happened earlier. Fadjie bar!!! He kissed me!! He stole my first kiss! He should be sent to jail and beheaded!

We were already on top of the stairs when I came back to my senses. My classroom is on the 2nd floor of this building but because the ladies room in our floor is under maintenance, I painstakingly went up to the 3rd floor to pee. I encountered the power couple 3 to 4 classrooms away from the stairs, so imagine how obedient I was when I (like a zombie) followed him back here.

I didn't see what Ms. A did when Mr. T pulled me away or what her expression was when Mr. T kissed me. Wait! Correction, steal from me. We didn't kiss, he stole from me! I don't care what she think! I don't care where she went or what she will do. All I care about right now is what I will do to make this pervert pay.

Mr. T was still holding my hand. He was about to step down the stairs when I stopped on my tracks. He turned his head to look at me, his eyes like a predator looking at his prey. He didn't say a word but I can sense the hostility he is emitting.

I looked at him with equal intensity. With a low cold voice I said to him "Let go of me."

He didn't move or say a word. He only looked at me from head to toe, like he finally saw me for the first time. This only made my blood boil even more. After everything? After dragging me into their mess? After shamelessly stealing my first kiss? After all this trouble? Only now did he recognize me?

I'm not sure if he really recognized me, but I am sure this is the first time he finally was able to register past through that thick skull of his that he entangled an extra baggage.

He let go of my hand, but he didn't back away. He moved a step closer while I moved a step back. This continued with neither of us uttering a single word.

My body is on high alert. I don't like this situation. I have a feeling that this will lead to the legendary 'girl-trapped-between-the-wall-and-a-hot-guy' scene which is very popular in most of the school romance stories I've read before.

But this is not a romance novel!! This is suspense, okay?? A man trying to silence an innocent girl because she was at the right place at the wrong time!!

Unfortunately, it really did happen. The 'girl-trapped-between-the-wall-and-a-hot-guy' scene actually happened! I stood there with my chin held high, looking at him with a 'what-do-you-want' expression on my face.

He inched closer, his nose almost touching mine. I didn't close my eyes, I didn't even blink. I was ready to push him away when he slightly moved his head closer to my right ear.

I can feel his hot breath blow on my right ear. In a very sweet and mischievous voice he said "You peed yourself.. Honey~~"

I instantly froze. My mind in chaos. Am I riding a roller coaster right now? I can't get a hold of my emotions at the moment.

I am still standing with my back against the cold wall. He walked away from me but he stopped halfway down the stairs. He pulled out his phone from his pocket and took a full body picture of me.

Grinning wickedly, he said " Meet me after class tomorrow at the cafe in front of the school." he then turned around and walked away. Without even looking back.

It felt like I was hit with lightning and did the ice bucket challenge at the same time. The moment the sound of his footsteps faded away, I looked down and saw wet marks mapped the front part of my jeans.

"Fadjie bar." I cussed to myself.


Fadjie Bar is my alternative for bad words like s*** or f*** and many more. I will do my best not to cuss or use bad words in this novel since I personally don't cuss and this is a general audience novel so kids may end up reading my work in the future. ^.^