Broken Hearts

"Neo Kei Yuan." I said this like a chant. I only snapped back to my senses when I heard knocking on my door.

I closed my laptop while I said "Come in." I stood up and placed back the laptop inside the drawer. Mr. Yan entered with some maids carrying trays.

"Young Miss, your dinner is here." he said respectfully. The young maids curtsied at the same time.

"Leave it on the table." I said while I went to my closet to change my clothes. I was preoccupied that I forgot that I was still wearing my bathrobe.

When I was done changing, I motioned for then to leave. I thanked them and told them that they can collect the plates 20 minutes later.

"Young Miss, Young Master Gu called earlier. He said that he will come pick you up tomorrow morning to go to school together." Mr. Yan said. He added " He said that he have been calling you but you didn't pick up, so he called to check on you."

"Alright, wake me up early tomorrow and prepare breakfast for the both of us. I'm sure that he will eat breakfast here anyway." I said somewhat nonchalant.

"I understand Miss." Mr. Yan then bowed and together with the maids, they left my room.

I took the mobile phone out of my bag and checked it. Hmm.. 12 miss calls and 21 messages from him. There's also a text message from our class representative reminding us to bring the parents consent tomorrow for our yearly Unity Camp.

Don't get the wrong idea. He is not my boyfriend or anything like that. I'm still a loyal member of the NBSB (No Boyfriend Since Birth) club! Well, honestly speaking we did almost ended up as lovers. Engaged to be exact.

I started to eat my meal. I silently finished it and afterwards went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Maids then came later to collect the plates. When everything was done and cleaned, they left while I retrieved the laptop. I continued browsing the page for information about Ms. A. With her looks and bearing she should be worshiped as a goddess or something in school but no matter where I search I can't seem to find her. Not even a picture of her. That's odd, I am quite sure that she is popular.

While browsing the page, I also found articles about myself. I grimaced when I read their posts and comments about me.

I know that I am also popular in school. I am actually known as the 'ice queen', it's not a secret. I often hear them gossip about me while walking down the hall or while in the ladies room.

So what? I don't really care if they call me a hag or a player. One thing I am strict about is maintaining my cool and nonchalant attitude in front of other people.

I'm a fake? Sure, it's true but I never stepped on anyone and never used my families influence to get what I want. I never did and never will. I didn't hurt anyone~ oh ~ well, not physically that is.

Do you know why I am called the ice queen? It's not because I am always cold and indifferent nor because I never smile. I actually smile a lot. The main reason I'm called the 'Ice Queen" is because I broke too many hearts.