Xin City High

The next day, with the help of Julia; I was able to wake up earlier than what I am used to. I am not a morning person but today is an exception, that is because I need to ask Vincent some important questions.

I took a bath and put on our school uniform. Xin City High's uniform is a white blouse and black skirt with neck tie.

Xin City High is one of the most prestigiuos academies in the world. I'm not exagerating. This academy is very high class, the elite will not be considered an elite in the eyes of many if they are not enrolled in this academy. Those who graduated from this school have bright futures.

This academy is very strict in admitting students, they MUST pass the academies entrance exam. No matter how many money you have or how much your clan have donated to the school doesn't matter. Only those who passes the exam can enter and that is a Golden Rule the school staff follows.

Xin City high have 2 curriculums, the SB Curriculum and MA Curriculum. SB Curriculum stands for Science and Business curricullum, while MA Curicullum stands for Music and Arts Curicullum. Students from SBC have red neck ties while those from MAC have blue neck ties.

Your year level may be determined by the number of thin black stripes your tie (on the bottom part of the tie) have. For freshmen 1 stripe, sophomore 2stripes, juniors 3 stripes and seniors 4stripes.

After taking a good look at myself in the mirror, I went out of my room to go to the dining area. The servants cheerfully greeted me and I also greeted back. I'm not a snub, I don't want the servants to hate me for being a spoiled brat. It will only make my life complicated, less drama the better.

When I arrived, I saw an angel eating elegantly in the room. With the help of the sun rays coming from the window, his jade white skin glowed like he is an immortal straight from a xianxia novel. He must have felt my presence, he slowly moved his head to look at my direction. Clear green eyes looked at me lazily, this made me wake up from my day dream.

I didn't bother greeting him. I walked towards the seat on his left were a plate is already prepared. He didn't say anything and went back on elegantly eating breakfast. This guy is really something. I can't believe he actually proposed to me before. When I think of it now, I guess one factor why I don't want to be in a romantic relationship right now is because of this guy. He said that he will make me fall for him but he actually fell for someone else.

Love is truly powerful. It can make or break a person. It's okay. The relationship as bestfriends is more important than being a couple, we won't be breaking up or falling out of love if were friends.

I also started eating. After a while he broke the silence.

"Why didn't you pick up my calls yesterday?" he said without looking at me.

"I didn't check my phone. Why?" I said, also not looking at his direction.

"I wanted to remind you about the parent's concent form. Did your parents sign it?"

"Nope. They're not here, I already ask Mr. Yan to sign it instead." I said after sipping my hot choco.

"Hmm.. don't forget to bring it today." he said after sipping his coffee.

I looked at his direction, he looked at me with furrowed brows. "What is it?" he asked.

"Neo Kei Yuan." I said.

"What about him?" he stared at me like I'm the weirdest person in the world.

"He's your classmate, right?" I asked.

"Yes. So? Don't tell me you're a fan girl now?!." he asked in a very serious voice.

I shook my head. "Let's say it's the other way around." I said with a smile.

He stared at me like he is waiting for me to say the punch line. When I didn't say anything, he suddenly laughed filling the room with his loud melodious voice.

I raised an eyebrow at him. "What? Do you think it's impossible? He might be my fan boy for a long time, just afraid to confess his feelings because I might reject him. Which is pretty much correct."

He laughed harder while clutching his stomach. He seems a bit out of breath.

So this is how you die in happiness, huh? I shouldn't have agreed on meeting him here today. I don't want him hunting my home when he becomes a ghost. Like seriously, would he still be laughing like that if he have known that my first kiss got stolen? Hmm... Should I tell him?