Bottomless Pit

When I reached the second floor, I instantly saw the figure I have been wanting to slice this whole afternoon.

I initially glared at him with the intent to kill but my angry expression turned into puzzlement. I stared at him dumbstruck. Why??!! Fadjie Bar!! Why is the devil smiling?!

Isn't he supposed to be the cold indifferent demon king? Why is he looking at me with amusement in his eyes and a faint smile on his lips? Where did the coldness go? Why is this guy not following the rules?

He is as handsome as ever. With that smile of his which is screaming with sexiness, he can litterally make those girls downstairs faint on site. Calling him handsome is already an understatement, he looks heavenly! Or should I say hellishly hot?

"I think you've stared enough Ms. Tan." I heard a low sexy voice. This brought me back to reality. Fadjie bar! I cleared my throat and composed my self. With an indifferent expression on, I walked toward the table he is in.

When I reached the table, I pulled the chair in front of him and comfortably settled my self. "Well, its not everyday I see a handsome guy like you Mr. Yuan." I said. I will not lose my cool ever again in front of this guy.

He chuckled and said "Ms. Tan, I'm sure you see handsome men almost everyday. Vincent is a very popular guy in that aspect. Including all those admirers of yours, you actually have your own harem.".

I smiled at him "It seems like Mr. Yuan knows a lot about me. Are you perhaps one of the guys in my harem?"

He shook his head, he smiled at me and said "Of course, you are my girlfriend so knowing what my girl likes and dislikes is a must. Unfortunately Ms. Tan, I am not a member of your harem because your harem will not exist in a few days."

Wait... What? Girlfriend? Destroying harems? Wait.. is he talking to me? Is he daydreaming?

I stared at his eyes, he stared at mine. I didn't blink, not even once. His dark orbs pulling me in. Like a bottomless pit, his eyes are full of mysteries.

"What do you want?" I coldly said to him. I wasted enough time, I will not let this guy ruin my peaceful life.