Hard Rock

"No one else is allowed to come up here." Neo said icily. Hearing the emperor's edict like command, the waiter hurriedly bowed and replied "Understood". He was then gone in a flash.

Tsk... Why make it complicated? If he wants a girl then he can have as many as he likes! I was only helping him, he really needs to learn how to appreciate other peoples kindness.

I raised my eyebrow at him. "I don't want to be your girlfriend. I can help you find one instead. It will be a breeze, it will be done in seconds."

"Ms. Tan, is it because I'm looking for a 'fake' girlfriend that's why you won't agree with me?" he said to me like he just discovered the reason why I disagree with him. I was about to retort when he added "If you don't want to become the fake one, then you can be my real one."

The words that were about to come out of my mouth got stuck in my throat. My blood boiled when I heard his words. Ugh... I clenched my hands and gritted my teeth. I stared at him like he just murdered my family up to the 3rd generation. Will I be able to get away with commiting murder? Should I message Mr. Shin to tell him that I need a get away car?

I internally calmed my self. Looking straight into his eyes, i said "Honey~ Aren't you being a bit too assuming? Who told you that I am willing to become your lover? Fake or not; I will not agree with your insane demand."

He didn't say anything. He started swiping and pressing on his mobile phone with his thumbs. Afterward a girl's voice sounded through his phone's speaker.

"We are in an On-Off Relationship. It's our 5th time breaking up this year." a proud female voice said

"5th?? Who are you?" a female's small fragile voice asked.

"My name is Elrae Vienne Tan, and yes 5th as in five times. I thought this would be our last and final break-up but I guess my honey is still in love with me and I can't deny my love for him too." a confident voice declared.

The voices stopped there. Silence... Silence prevailed after the voices from the speaker stopped, but the noise inside my head is unbearable. The noise is coming from my heart, beating like a drum in a hard rock concert. Oh.. i didn't fall in love.. I actually found the most hateful guy in the world. Oh yeah.. lucky me.

He is staring at me, studying my face with those cold eyes of his. I, on the other hand, stood up and slammed both my hands on the table between us. I can feel the stinging sensation on my palm but I didn't flinch.

"Do you think that a mere recording can be used to blackmail me?" I said with indignation. I glared at him but his face is still the same as before, cold and indifferent.

He silently moved his gaze back to his phone again. After swiping and pressing on his mobile phone he extended his left arm,the screen is now facing me. I squinted my eyes ready to criticize what ever he was going to show me.