The Phoenix

I closed my eyes and endured the prickly sensation in my chest. I can feel my heart hurt like it is being pricked by needles. For years, I thought that my life is perfect as it is. That I am satisfied and nothing needs to be changed; but one day I realized that I was just being too naive.

When Vincent introduced his girlfriend to me, I felt like I was the stupidest person in the world for thinking that everything will stay perfect forever. I am a prideful person, so I thought that showing my weakness will only bring shame so I acted the same. Smiled and moved the same.

I comforted myself by saying that I was just being jealous for losing the full attention of a friend. A friend who have been with me for a very long time. The friend who is more familiar to me than my own family.

I stayed nonchalant for two years, as he happily lived his life. I don't even know when the feeling of friendship turned into love. The boy who worked hard to charm me finally succeeded but it was too late for me to say anything. How can I tell him that he finally succeeded in making me fall when he himself fell for someone else? Seriously, how can I be this stupid?

Never fell in love? Never experienced heart ache? Lies! They were all lies. At first I thought that I was just being selfish, so I said to myself that I should be happy for him. Happy that he found someone who can reciprocate his feelings.

I didn't want to be tied down by my feelings so I hid it. Hid it in the darkest corner of my heart, but every time he smiles at me and look at me with genuine care and worry my heart would pound fast and hard as if the feeling that I have imprisoned in my heart wants to jump out and explode.

But every time he shows his care and worry for Alyssa, my heart would ache like its being pierced ruthlessly. The worst part is that I need to smile brightly while enduring the pain. I really am a good actress. Maybe I should consider joining the entertainment industry like what my mother wanted. With my beauty and talents, I'm sure I will be a superstar in no time.

I bitterly smiled, as I looked at my reflection in the car's glass window. I believe that trials in life never exempts anyone, beautiful or not everyone have to face their own ordeals. My ordeal is obviously my heart.

"Alys-" he said breaking the awkward silence between us; but I abruptly interrupted him because I do not want to continue our previous topic.

"Where did you get the invitations?" I said, my gaze still at the scenery outside the moving vehicle.

He was silent for a while before saying "I asked my older brother to help. He is acquainted with the elders of the Yuan family, they usually go to Vinz's hospital for check-ups and other medications."

"I see. What did he ask in return? I'm sure Vinz won't willingly help you without anything in return." I said, curiosity evident in my voice.

"Nothing" he said in a calm indifferent voice.

I moved my head and stared at him. "What is it? Tell me." I said to him.

He sighed and said "The phoenix."

I gasp in surprise. "What?! The phoenix?? Don't tell me you-" I slumped back to my seat.

The phoenix is Vincent's most treasured masterpiece. Vincent was 7 when he started wood carving and his first work was 'The Phoenix'. He is kind of a sentimental person. He wouldn't give any of the first master pieces he had ever done to anyone, even to me. I honestly like 'The phoenix' too, but even when I begged him to gift it to me he wouldn't budge. I can't believe he actually traded it for mere invitations. Why would he even go this far?!

"It's okay. I can always do another one next time." he said, like it's not a big deal at all. He added

"About the ball, you don't have to come. Don't worry about Neo, I will explain it to him tomorrow."

"I will attend the ball." I said to him without looking at his direction. I can see the Tan family estate in front of us. He stopped the car in front of the house. I freed myself from the seat belt and I reached my hand to open the door when Vincent locked the car. 'Clicked' the car doors were all locked.

"You don't have to." he said in a low hoarse voice.

I turned to look at him. He was staring at me with his clear green eyes, I can see a hint of frustration in his eyes. I softly smiled at him and said "Thank you for coming. Tell Alyssa that I greet her a happy birthday and extend my gratitude to her. It's getting late, you should go back and celebrate with her."

Vincent didn't say anything, his eyes still on my face. "I am more beautiful than your girlfriend so it's only natural for you to stare at me, but can I go now? I am really tired, I can't believe I had to face a legion of obsessive fan girls today. I should have brought a whip or something." I said with a mischievous smile on my lips.

Vincent also smiled at me as he unlocked the car doors. "You should go rest. Be careful next time." he said.

"Thanks. Be careful on the road." I said to him before turning around to open the door. I was about to step out when Vincent suddenly grabbed my wrist. I can feel his warm palm against my skin. Seriously, why won't he just let me go? I still need to lick my wounded heart till it heals.

I slowly turned around to face him. He placed a small round container to my hand and said "Apply this to your arm and hands." After saying that he let go of my hand. I stared at the object in my left hand and said my thanks again.

I got out of the car and gently closed the car door. I stood there as his car drove out of our estate and out of my sight.

He actually noticed that I was also hurt earlier. I smiled bitterly as I stared at the container in my hand.

"Vincent Gu, you are a very cruel person. Very cruel to me." I said as I turned around to enter the house.