
When I arrived in school, I immediately felt the bad vibes coming from my schoolmates. They were eyeing me with malice as I walk towards the SBC Building (Science and Business Curriculum). I confidently walked towards my classroom, I didn't bother giving a glance to the students loitering in the school premises. As long as they don't touch me, they can think and do whatever they want.

I can see from a distance that a few students from another class were gathered in front of my classroom. With a creased brow, I hastened my steps toward them, they didn't notice me immediately since they were focused on the events happening inside the room.

Girl 1: "Hey, I heard Master Neo personally invited her to attend the ball."

Girl 2: "She must have begged master Neo to invite her since she is jealous with the young miss of the Tan family."

Girl 3: "Master Vincent is already kind enough to hang out with her, now she wants to get another big thigh to hug."

Girl 4: "She's such a gold digger. The Tan family should just return her to wherever she came from."

Girl 1: "She deserves it."

With a raised eyebrow I loudly said "What do I deserve?"

The girls were startled when they heard my voice. They immediately stepped aside and looked at me with horror. I looked at them, scanning their faces, checking if I have ever encountered them before. I noticed their neckties were color blue with 1 thin black stripe indicating that they are first year students from MAC (Music and Arts Curriculum).

I crossed my arms in front of my chest as I intimidatingly eyed them. They were only quietly standing there with their heads bowed down. WOW! They have the guts to say such things behind my back and now they are cowering like a small innocent prey.

I rolled my eyes at them and sternly said "Don't even think of showing your faces here again. You don't even have the guts to say such stupid things to me in person."

They didn't answer me, they magically vanished in front of me after I finished saying my sentence. Okay... That was fast, hmmm they should enhance their skills first before recklessly saying such nonsense.

I turned to enter the room when I noticed that everyone inside where unusually silent. They were not chatting with each other like they usually do. I can tell that they are looking at my direction with mockery in their eyes.

I didn't bother with them and continued to walk inside the room. When I was already in front of Alyssa's seat, I noticed that she was looking at me with a worried expression on her face. Is she worried about what happened last night? Vincent would have already informed her about what happened. How nice of her to worry about me, I guess that is what Vincent liked about her.

With an indifferent expression on, I continued to walk towards my seat. I stopped a few steps away from my seat when I suddenly noticed that insulting words where written on top of my desk. I quickened my pace. When I reached my seat, in red marks, I saw cursing words written in capital letters. My chair dripping wet, it seems like water was poured on my seat and until now it is still wet.

My expression didn't change. I can see that some of the girls in my class were trying to suppress themselves from laughing out loud. I internally calmed myself, after studying the words on top of my desk I then turned to face my classmates and said in a clear calm voice "Tell me who should I thank for this master piece? I can see that time and effort were spent in creating such a work of art. I am forever thankful to receive such gift." I smiled at them brightly, showing my precious dimples .