
I remained silent throughout the discussion. I didn't bother listening attentively either. I looked like I am listening to them but I truly wasn't. I am busy with entertaining myself by staring at Xander's displeased expression and before I knew it, the boys already finished saying what they wanted to say and are now saying goodbye to the whole class. I looked down at the cloth that I am sitting on right now.

I sighed internally. All of this started because of a guy. Seriously!! A guy! They are willing to get punished for breaking the school rules and it is only for such a petty reason! It is not my fault that they don't have the courage and qualifications to get near their self-appointed husbands! They shouldn't drag an innocent and beautiful person like me around like a waste rag because I am way far from their levels. This is why I don't have a friend other than Vincent in this school. Who would want to be friends with noisy and immature little girls anyway?

I moved my gaze to look at Alyssa's direction. She is sitting silently in her seat, gazing silently at the boys in front. Vincent is here, I guess she must be very happy right now. My heart suddenly started tingling as I stare at the lovers in front. They didn't look at each other the whole time, it's like they have no connection at all. Their silence is even more heart wrenching for me. Is this what they call mutual understanding? They don't need to say or do anything in public just to prove that they love each other. I sighed again and moved my gaze away from Allysa.

Vincent is now by the door together with Kyle and Xander. I can only see their backs as they move out of the room. I was staring in a daze when I suddenly felt my phone vibrate inside my bag. I fetched it out of my bag and looked at the message notification on the screen. It's a text message from Vincent. I moved my head to look at the now empty doorway before moving my gaze back on my phone.

Vincent: Buy me a new uniform tomorrow.

I raised an eyebrow as I read his text. A new one? Why waste money? I can just have it washed.

I replied to him 'I will ask Mary to wash it. I don't want to buy a new one.'

Vincent: Just buy me a new one and keep that coat as a souvenir. It's been a while since the last time someone actually had the courage to bully the almighty ice queen.

The crease on my forehead deepened. This guy is really something. Here I thought that he was being a gentleman earlier but reality really sucks, how can he make fun of his friend who has just been bullied a moment ago??!! Fadjie Bar!

I angrily replied to him "This is your fault! You should tame your personal harem to be more understanding and behaved!"

Vincent: This is not my fault. Who told you to meet with the almighty Demon King anyway? You should also behave El.

I unconsciously tightened my grip on my phone. I don't know how I should retort, because I can't deny the fact that this all started because of my meeting with Neo. I glared icily at my phone's screen for a moment before typing a reply to Vincent. "Then blame the devil, not me!" I pressed send and shoved my phone inside my skirt's pocket.

I saw the second-period teacher enter the classroom with papers in hand. I grimaced as I heard some of my classmate's voice out their worries about their test scores yesterday. They should have used their brains on how to attain high scores instead of planning on evil schemes. I saw Trix look at me with irritation in her eyes. I rolled my eyes at her before focusing on what the teacher in front is saying. I am not surprised when I was called in front to receive my test paper. Of course, I know that I got everything right. I am not a genius but I do study hard.

No one is perfect. I am not perfect and so are the all so famous geniuses in this academy. Even though they excel in their own fields they are still lacking in some other areas. Just like their attitude problems. -_- Neo and Vincent can certainly attest to that.

The class continued as usual. I continued to act as nothing happened. Unfortunately, some of the girls in my class kept on glancing in my direction. They gave me disdainful look as I sat on Vincent's coat on top of my slimy chair. During the lunch break, no one dared to approach me as I peacefully ate my lunch on my seat. I can hear them chatter loudly as they ridiculed me. I won't leave this seat, I am quite sure that when I return Vincent's coat will be nowhere in sight and might be brought to his fan girl's home base and will be worshiped there like a treasure. The front and back doors of our classroom are being blocked by the girls from the other classes anyway so I won't be able to go out for the time being. This thought made me think of something. What if I auction this coat? I might earn a lot of money if I did. Hmm... He doesn't want it back anyway. Should I sell it?

A smile crept up my lips as I happily finished my meal. Earning money or keeping this coat as a souvenir? Of course, I will choose the first one. Who would even want to keep a used and slimy coat anyway? The answer is a lot. I do know that Vincent has a lot of admirers but I never thought that they are willing to spend a lot of money on just a piece of used clothing. After the last class in the afternoon, I announced that I will be auctioning Vincent's coat and in just a matter of seconds the students from different year levels and buildings came rushing into the room. In the end, the item was bought for a staggering amount of 1 Million Dollars. I was really surprised at first, they didn't even hesitate on spending a lot of money just to buy the coat even though the one who sold it is me. The beautiful and glamorous Elrae Tan. They didn't even ask for a discount even though I sat on it for hours during class making the coat being stained with slime.

This incident gave me an excellent idea. Well, I think it is an excellent business opportunity. What if I sell Vincent's used clothes? hmm.... I can donate the proceeds to our charity foundations. It's a win-win for both sides.