Human Trafficking

I choked on the water that I was drinking when I heard their exchange of words. Vincent Gu, it was for the greater good! You should not be stingy to a good samaritan like me.

After coughing for a few seconds I was finally able to calm my self. A white handkerchief is now in front of me. A slender white hand is holding it in mid-air. I moved my head to look at the man slightly leaning towards me. Instead of a smile, I took the handkerchief while glaring at him. I wiped my mouth as I cleared my throat. Vincent only shrugged his shoulders as he leaned back on his chair.

I am an arm's length away from Neo and Vincent. If we are only a bit closer I would love to step on those expensive sneakers of his.

"Are you okay dear?" I heard my mother said.

I stopped glaring at Vincent. I reassuringly smiled at my mother for her not to worry. "Yes aunt- - I mean mother, I am fine."

"Good. Eat more, you are too skinny you need to add more nutrients to your body," she said.

"Yes." I respectfully said to her.

I silently continued to eat my dinner as they continued their previous conversation. "I heard that you are quite popular in school Vincent. Your uniform actually cost a lot. I guess the girls in your Academy is screaming your name as you walk down the hall" my mother said to Vincent. I am subconsciously nodding my head right now! You're right mother! Those girls aren't just screaming his name they are actually throwing expensive gifts to his direction everytime he passes by.

"Mother Z, that is not true. I am the vice president of the student council so it is only natural that they know of me. I won't say that I am that popular in school. Compared to young master Yuan's popularity, mine is close to nothing." Vincent said as he elegantly sipped his wine.

I secretly rolled my eyes when I heard what Vincent just said. What close to nothing??!! If you think that those hundreds of girls screaming your name every morning is nothing compared to Neo's fans then are you implying that my haters are now equivalent to millions??!!! Ugh! Come on! Stop acting humble in front of my parents Vincent Gu. You must be crazy, thinking that those crazy girls of yours are still not enough.

"Oh, really? Hmmm... Judging by Young Master Yuan's good looks and favorable background then it is not surprising to hear that he is also popular in school. I'm guessing that girls must be throwing themselves at you, Mr. Yuan." Mother said.

"Well, I don't honestly know how popular I am, I did not come to school to count how many girls are after me anyway so I never did give it that much attention," Neo said in a low indifferent tone of voice.

I again secretly rolled my eyes as I munch on my veggies. Liar! Why are you acting like a righteous person Neo Yuan!? You should have said that you actually did not count how many girls are after you because you can't keep up with their massive numbers! Do you even both know how hard it is to actually deal with your admirers?! They are like mushrooms, they keep on growing or expanding rapidly. I sighed as I think of the next possible steps those annoying girls will do to make themselves feel better. If only I can kidnap this young master and lock him in his fan's hideout then everyone will be happy. Unfortunately, I am not powerful enough to do this good deed. Do not worry girls, I will think of a way to deliver this demigod into your doorsteps. After that, you will look at me with smiles on your faces everytime I pass by. I laughed evilly as I thought of this.

"Elrae?" I heard my mother's voice call my name which brought me back to reality. I hastily looked at her.

"Mother asked you if you are doing fine in school," Qian said. He then continued saying

"My dear cousin must be a bit flustered sitting between two handsome and popular guys in her school. She can't help daydream in the process." Qian said with a grin on his face.

Ha! If you find out that I was actually daydreaming about committing human trafficking will you still grin at me like that dear brother? You better be good to this sister of yours if you do not want me to sell you to your fans. (-.-)

"Yes, I am doing great in school mother Z," I answered mother without paying attention to Qian.

A few moments later Vincent received a call from his brother so he said his goodbyes and left. Before he left he didn't forget to secretly whisper to my ear, he warned me not to sell any of his clothes again without his permission. I only nodded in agreement. I will not sell his clothes, I can also sell his pictures or his handkerchiefs but I will only do that if he ever pisses me off in the future. It will be a revenge for a good cost. That is not bad at all. I will be like a modern Robinhood. (^.^)

Mother and Father also said that they still need to do something. "Neo honey~ don't hesitate to come to visit us whenever you feel like it." mother said to Neo as she said her goodbyes to the young man. I clenched my hands as I tried to calm myself. I am trying my best not to interrupt my mother's good intention but to visit whenever he feels like it?! Mother! Please stop! You guys don't even stay home often. How can you tell that to the devil? What if he really does visit and you are not home?! Does that mean I have to be hospitable to him?

"I surely will Madame Tan," Neo said with a smile on his face. He politely bowed to my mother and father as they walk away. See?!! He will 'surely' visit! I should request a new place to stay in the near future. I decided this as I saw Qian guiding Neo towards the back garden. I sneakily tiptoed away from them. I am now in front of the stairs when Qian suddenly called my name. I lazily turned around to face him. He is briskly walking towards me. A phone is nestled on top of his right ear and he is mumbling something as he comes closer.

"Okay. I will be there in a few minutes." I heard Qian said. He then ended the call and shoved his phone unto his jean's pocket.

"No!" I immediately said before Qian can even utter a word. I got an idea as to why he called me and I don't like it one bit.