Phone Call

"Fadjie bar! You shameless pervert!!! You're talking nonsense!" I angrily shouted to his retreating back. Even if he is rich and good looking it still does not mean that he can be a good match to the awesome and beautiful me. Let's see who will fall in love with whom first!

That guy is very irritating. Does he really think that his charm will work on me? Ha! Dream on Neo Kei Yuan! That will never happen!

He won't be able to achieve his plans without me. If he doesn't have evidence against me, I will never help or even cross paths with him.

Why is the world so small for the both of us? Him and that lover of his should have just chosen another spot to do their whole lovers quarrel scene. He is not even from the BS Curriculum! Why would they even choose our building? I don't know if Miss A is from my Curriculum, but still they should have chosen a more remote and private place to discuss their complicated situation. They would not have disturbed the beautiful and innocent me if they did!

My phone suddenly rang, I swiftly retrieved it from my jean's pocket. I looked at the caller ID on my phone's screen. I hesitated for a bit if I should answer the call. With great reluctance, I swiped the green button up and placed the phone near my ear.

"Hi dear. Did the prince already left?" Qian's mischievous voice sounded from the other side of the line.

I rolled my eyes as I heard the word 'prince'. "What prince? I can't remember a prince coming to my home. But a pervert did come by." I sneered at Qian.

"What pervert? Did he do something to my precious little sister? But he is a good guy, he helped me before so I am pretty sure that he is a gentleman." Qian said.

My mouth opened unconsciously, I can't believe I'm hearing such baseless words from him. "Young Master Tan, what kind of logic is that? When a person helped you once doesn't really mean that he is a good guy. Deep inside he may be formulating a scheme against you or your family!." I said to my brother.

I heard Qian's low chuckle and a melodious voice that almost all the girls in the world loves to hear. "Did he irritate you? I thought that an indifferent man like him suits you better than that weak childhood friend of yours."

A crease formed on my forehead as I heard my brother's statement. "Weak? Since when did my so called childhood friend become weak? If I recall correctly, you are the weak one brother dear. The one who first loses his temper is the loser." I said to him as I slowly walked towards our house.

"Why do you always take his side? I am your brother. You should be always on my side." Qian said in a low cold tone of voice. I stopped on my track when I heard him. I am very familiar with my brother's temper. When he starts to use this kind of tone on me, it means that he is really serious and will not listen to whatever I have to say.

I sighed and said to him in a serious tone of voice. "I am not taking sides. I am only telling you the truth. You are my brother but that does not mean that I will tolerate your stubbornness. Vincent is my best friend, we have been friends for a very long time. Long enough that you should get over your jealousy and start treating him like a brother. You are even friends with his older brother! Why are you even against our friendship?"

Qian was silent for a few seconds before I heard him sigh on the other line. "It's for the best. Believe me, I only want what's the best for my little sister. The earlier you cut your ties with him, the better." After saying that, he hung up and left me standing here with a puzzled expression on my face.

I stared at my phone's screen for a while before snapping back to reality. What is my brother talking about? Why do I even have to cut ties with Vincent? Does Qian know that Vincent is already in a relationship? Does he think that I may get affected once I found out?

A small bitter smile then formed on my lips as I think of these thoughts. My dear brother, you don't have to worry. I already know, I've known and that's alright. I'm alright. Wouldn't it hurt even more if I cut my bond with the person I trust the most? Would it hurt even more?

What am I thinking? I shouldn't be thinking about this kind of thing. Ugh.. Qian Tan! This is all your fault! Saying such things will only make me feel troubled.

I strutted inside the house with an irritated expression on my face. The maids greeted me meekly as I pass by. When I arrived inside my room, I slammed my body on top of my warm cozy bed. My hands subconsciously clenched into a tight fist as I recall the events that happened earlier.

"This is just a trial. I will not let that Neo guy bully me any further." I pep talked to myself. With these thoughts in mind, I buried my face on my pillow.

I was about to drift into dreamland when I heard a ringing sound coming from my bed side table. Groggily, I reached out to retrieve my phone and lazily glimpse at the caller ID.

"Hmmm?" I mumbled in a low sexy tone of voice.

"It's still early." the person in the other line said.

"So?" I said.

"Come out. I'm in your garden." Vincent said. His voice calm and indifferent at the same time.

"I don't want to. I wanna sleep early." I said as I sleepily yawned.

"Alright." Vincent didn't force me any further. After that line, my consciousness traveled back to dream land. Leaving the phone call still connected.

"I'm sorry my ice queen." Vincent's sorrowful voice sounded on the speaker as I comfortably sleep.

The phone call that I will regret taking for granted for the rest of my life.