Weird Vs. Odd

What is all this? Did he send me a bunch of rags? This guy is really hard to read. Is this how he acts as a secret admirer? (-.-)

Mr. Yan already had it scanned so accepting it is safe. I told the manservants to bring the box into my room. They slowly went up the stairs. Good thing the boxes aren't too heavy. I was about to follow them upstairs when Mr. Yan again called for my attention. I lifted an eyebrow at him. What is it now?

" Young Miss, Young Master Qian gave me this suitcase this afternoon. He said that it is from young master Vincent." Mr. Yan said as he retrieved a black suitcase from a manservant.

"Vincent? Vincent and my older brother met last night? Did something bad happened?" I hurriedly asked Mr. Yan.

"No miss. Everything looked peaceful last night. I personally observed them from a distance to ensure that nothing bad will happen. They talked for a while before young master Vincent handed this suitcase to young master Qian and left. Young master Qian then handed this suitcase to me this afternoon." Mr. Yan said.

A crease formed on my forehead as I think of the reasons why these guys suddenly thought of giving me their junks. Do I look like a baggage counter? I deeply sighed. I instructed Mr. Yan to also bring the suitcase to my room.

I am now alone in my room. In front of me is my bed with 2 big boxes and a black suitcase on top of it. I shrugged my shoulder and opened first the two boxes that Neo sent.

My eyebrow raised as I saw the content of the two boxes. What will I do with a bunch of mens clothes? Yes that's right, the content of the boxes are mens clothing. I picked one and inspected it. The quality is good, the brands are also first class which made me even more confused. What does he want me to do with these? Why send it here? Does he want me host a bachelors party or something?

These are all mens clothes and the colors are either black, white, or gray. Is he telling me to host a gothic party? These are the clothes that hot and sexy bad boys wear in novels and dra-- Wait! Clothes for hot and sexy bad boys??!! No! This can't be. Don't tell me that these are the devil's clothes??!! Neo Kei Yuan's clothes?! Why would he send them here? Does he want me to wash these for him? I will never do such a thing! Besides, he already have a lot of servants to do that.

Due to curiosity, I checked both of the boxes to look for something that might give me a clue. A thick brown envelope is inside one of the boxes. I quickly opened it and saw that the envelope is full of photos.

These pictures are stolen pictures of Neo wearing the clothes inside the box. Why is the devil being weird? Sending me his used clothes and giving me a hard copy of his stolen pictures. Does he want me to thank him for giving me the honour of having his things and pictures? Is that it?

My phone suddenly rang. I walked towards the vanity table and lifted my phone to see who is calling. The caller ID is an unknown number. I hesitated for a while if I should answer or not but my gaze landed on the pile of clothes scattered on top of my bed. What if this is him? With this in mind, I answered the call. I wasn't disappointed though because the one who called is actually the weird devil himself, Neo Kei Yuan.

"Did you open it?" an indifferent yet sexy voice sounded from the other side of the line.

"Yes." I answered.

"Good. Auction them. I am sure that it will sell at a higher price than a mere uniform. They might not believe that the clothes are indeed mine so I also sent you pictures of me wearing those clothes. You can do what ever you want with the money that you earn. Sell them and that's it." Neo then hang up on me.

"Wha- wai--" I was not able to voice out my confusion because he suddenly ended the call. I tried calling back but the his phone is now turned off.

UGH!!! Fadjie Bar!! Neo Kei Yuan! You devil! What do you mean by selling your clothes??! Didn't you even consider the fact that they might accuse me of stealing your things and being a stalker for having those pictures of yours?!

How will I even explain to people how I ended up with this pile of clothes? I need to clarify this to him tomorrow.

I sighed and looked at the things on top of my bed. I then shoved the clothes and envelope back inside the box. I then reached out to pull the black suitcase towards me.

I caressed the letters engraved on the suitcase's handle. The words 'Vincent Gu' are engraved skillfully. That's odd. This suitcase is very familiar. This is where Vincent keeps his paint brush.

I unlocked and opened it. Not just ordinary paint brush but his favorite ones are placed and arranged neatly inside. Why would he leave this here? Its odd enough for him to talk peacefully with Qian but its way more odd for him to leave this suitcase to me.

A white small card is neatly placed in one of the pockets inside and there is only one sentence written on it.

'Sólo vivimos una vez, vivir bien'