Special Mention

Neo didn't even glance at the girls who shamelessly flaunted their bodies as he walk pass them. He walked like a model as he strode towards the front door of the establishment. There is a long line of different ages and gender by the door, patiently waiting for their turn to enter.

Neo went straight to the front of the line. Neither a sound of complaint or even a squeak was heard as Neo approached the two big mascular men standing side by side in front of the entrance. Neo undid the left cuff of his sleeve and removed his watch. He then showed his wrist to them. A small golden dragon head tattoo can be seen on the upper right side of his pale white wrist near his palm.

The two men only stared at it for a second before giving way for Neo to enter. Their faces are still stern and serious, emitting a don't-dare-make-trouble-here-or-we-will-send-you-straight-to-hell aura which makes them look very dangerous to go mess with.

The two men actually knows who Neo is, but they have to do their job according to the protocol given to them by young master Keannu Lu. Neo is already used to this routine every time he comes here, he can't be bothered with such trivial matters.

Neo again put on his watch as he entered the establishment. The sound of a mouse being clicked non stop then pierce his ears mixed with cheering voices and cussing can be heard. An array of computers can be seen in front, the people in front are wearing headphones while they comfortably settle in their chairs as they sat in front of the computers. Everyone seems to be having fun as they emersed themselves in the game.

A reception area is set by the side of the entry way. A couple of teens can be seen on the couch near it, killing their time as they wait for their turn. Neo strode towards the reception area. The girl in the reception area is in her early 20's, quite older than Neo but when she saw Neo enter she did not hesitate and bowed her head as a greeting. Neo only nodded his head in return.

"Is Keannu already upstairs?" Neo said.

"Yes, master. Master Keannu just arrived a few minutes ago." the girl politely answered. Neo saw her nameplate and the word @fatgirl0890 is written on it, golden letters are artistically printed on the silver plate making it very eye catching.

The girl is actually very attractive with her simple make up and a fit figure. Her work uniform is not that revealing but it hugs her body just right to show her curves. Everyone who works in this establishment uses codenames or usernames. It should be approved by @Xiaoie who is assigned in handling the employees before they are given their nameplates.

This building is called @Mhelerba, Neo's parents gifted this to him on his 15th birthday. It was originally a 1 storey building which served as his gang's private arcade center, they hangout here and often times stay overnight. Then one day his friends got bored of playing with each other so they decided to renovate the place and turn it into a business they all would enjoy. They are still young so putting up a business will not be that easy, well that is if you are not Neo Kei Yuan. The Yuan family's Master and Mistress of the first house spoil their only son that they immediately approved of his plan on putting up a business at the age of 16. They even helped him and his friends get the papers that they needed to start the business.

The one storey building turned into a three storey building in no time. The first floor became the gaming center where the latest and most efficient computers can be seen. The entire first floor is designed by a well known interior designer who is known as @Olawunmi. She designed the place to look like you are inside a game world.

Neo headed towards the exclusive elevator that he and his friends can only use. When the elevator opened, a loud booming sound welcomed him. His eyesight adjusted to the dim light as he strode out of the elevator. He looked up and saw on the wide screen above dj @mommyjaney and dj @LameDervish as they sway to the music they are playing. Everyone on the dance floor laughed and cheered as they happily dance to @Atzucac13's latest single entitled @Anyolong. The lights also danced according to the music.

A group of girls in the mini stage in front grooved to the music. Neo then remembered that they have an event this evening and the popular girl group @Hotmama247 will be performing.

He mentally blocked the music and walked towards the bar. @Chiociolla98, the bartender, greeted Neo and gave him his usual drink.

The second floor is a club and also an event's center. Some of the singer idols who come to Xin City do their events here, gaining Mhelerba more fame.

Neo have a serious expression on his face as he sip his drink. He is zoning out in his own world when someone suddenly tapped his shoulder. He shifted his body to look at the person who intentionally disturbed him. He was greeted by two smiling girls, charming in their own ways and obviously they are here to catch a prey for the night. Unfortunately, they set their eyes on someone they shouldn't have. They will find out soon enough that not all men in clubs are here to play.

"Hi! I'm @Luthee." the girl with blond hair wearing a black skin tight dress said to Neo.

"Hello, I'm @Maruh. Are you alone? Want some company?" the girl wearing a see through top and a short denim short seductively said to Neo.

They both are very confident that the hot guy in front will not decline their offer. With their beautiful faces and sexy figures, who would ignore them? They were about to come closer to Neo so that they can have a more intimate talk when the king said "No," Neo said this in his usual nonchalant manner.

They were surprised and felt humiliated when Neo straightforwardly rejected them. One of the girls was about to say something when Neo suddenly raised his left hand and gestured them to stay quiet. His right hand is holding his phone, he dialed @williana96 on his number list. On the first ring the other line already answered the call. Without waiting for the other line to talk Neo stated "Bar Now." after that, he hung up and turned his back from the two girls and continued on enjoying his drink that the bartender had already refilled.

The two girls didn't know what to do. They are infuriated for being humiliated and at the same time they don't want to cause a scene which will bring them more shame. Two minutes after Neo's call. Two tall and mascular men approached them. The names @excile4 and @chemeast are written on their name plates.

The two girls where scared and speechless at the same time. Neo stood up from his high chair and looked at the 'offenders'. He then said "Find out who invited this two, remove that person from the membership list. If he wants to be a member again then he must pay 5 times more than the original price." Excile4 and chemeast slightly bowed to Neo before they escorted the two girls out of the club.

Neo then entered inside the elevator, @cutetope and @freakzilla's song @sapitoportu faded in the background as the elevator door closes. He then pressed the touch screen mounted on the wall and pressed the passcode @qqjsjsjznznzjssj which will allow him access to the third floor.

When he arrived on the third floor, he was greeted by the smell of blood. It's rusty odor permeated in the air. It didn't bother him one bit. His expression still that of nonchalance. He was not even surprised when he saw a person lying on the carpeted floor, his face bloody and and his clothes are torn in different parts.

"I-I'm..... I'm So--sorry..." the person on the floor struggled to say these words as he endured the pain all over his body.