What the Attendants Think (II)

Jiang Pengji struggled to control her laughter. Eventually, she finally appeased Taxue.

"Ahem. I promise not to jest anymore." Jiang Pengji cleared her throat. Under Taxue's watchful gaze, she gently continued, "You and Xunmei grew up together. There's no need to be hostile toward each other over something like this. I know you're outraged on my behalf, but both you and she are girls. I am, too. I can understand why Xunmei did what she did."

Taxue was a smart girl, and she understood what Jiang Pengji was trying to say. "Langjun…"

"Hush, let me finish." Jiang Pengji raised a hand to stop her from speaking. "I know my parents' plans. They made those arrangements so you girls would never reveal my secret. They also hoped that I would have good people to serve me for the rest of my life. But times have changed. Who knows what the future holds?"

To Jiang Pengji, it was a crime to let these two girls die of loneliness just so they would keep her secret.