Nice Try, Kid (IV)

Wannian Luolikong: "I pity Meng Liang. His parents divorced when he was little, and he grew up with a wicked stepmother who hoped to lead him astray. He's not fully responsible for the misdeeds against Meng and Hejian. After all, how could a child without his mother's protection live in a complicated house like the Meng's? The stepmother is the culprit."

Shitang Dafan Ayi: "He's crying so hard that I feel sad. He escaped home only by pretending to be a girl. His father almost killed him for the false accusations, and the military chief is chasing after him, too… He's just a kid."

Pretty faces could always bring privileges. Hearing his account, many viewers changed their opinion about Meng Liang and expressed their sympathy.

The remaining minority disagreed for the same reasons.

Toudu Feiqiu: "I shared your thoughts until I saw the host's satirical smile. Based on my trust in the host's IQ, I'm certain that Meng Liang is not worth our pity."