Langjun, That’s Dangerous (III)

The box was no bigger than a thumbnail and its contents were the herbs mentioned previously, grinded into fine powder. There was some medicine that promoted blood circulation added into the mix, too. The concoction would leave a person with a dry mouth, feverish skin, and delusional. It was a potent date rape drug.

Tsk! Even though the current era was backwards in technology, it was still pretty advanced in such "medicines."

Jiang Pengji used a handkerchief to wipe off the powder that had gotten on her before closing the box. "That's all?"

The old housekeeper had a neutral expression and his eyes were bright. She could not help heaving a sigh of relief.

Thinking back about what the page boy had said, his face turned bashful. "Of course that's not all. There are some… absurd things. I shan't taint your ears and eyes with them. Also, as to not alert them to what we know, I did not ask."