You Want A Punch? (IV)

"There's so much to play around with here. If you all are interested, I can tell you more," the servant replied.

"Go ahead," Meng Liang replied calmly. In his heart, however, he was elated.

"All right! Listen up! One-two dice roll, four-direction leaves, big-small pigsty war, chicken, duck, and quail fight…" the servant recited more than ten different play styles without stopping for a breath.

"Not playing!" Jiang Pengji interrupted and turned to leave.

The servant was dumbfounded and stopped reciting the plays.

Since they had arrived at a gambling den, would Meng Liang just let her leave without playing? "Lanting, since we're here, let's play a bit before we go. Other than those outside, there's nothing else to play." Meng Liang smiled and rested a hand on Jiang Pengji's shoulder.