The Conflict Among the Grain Stores (VI)

There was cheap grain available, but with the bullsh*t of a limited purchase, most people loathed it and felt repelled by it. Hejiang County was not a big area, but it wasn't small, either. It was truly troublesome to come to the store just for one or two days worth of grain.

"You guys are almost out of the storage, right? Otherwise why would you prompt some limited purchase if you can make money?" There was a male voice from inside the mass of people. He wore coarse clothes and his hair was tied up with a grass rope. There was nothing special about him.

In the meantime, the citizens around the stores seemed to grasp his point and they were abuzz with speculation. "Just admit that you don't have any more. What's the point of this limited purchase? There are other stores in Hejiang besides you guys. It's no longer safe in the current situation. We come all the way here just for some grain… What happens if we will encounter some bad guys and get ourselves in trouble?"