Ji Shan Hot Spring (IV)

"Langjun, what is this…?"

The servants came forward. Jiang Pengji had just finished the whole bottle of alcohol in front of them. Judging from her eyes, she seemed sober still, but the way she walked said otherwise. Her steps were soft, like she was walking on air, and her body wobbled while she paced, which was typical of a drunk.

They weren't sure if Jiang Pengji was truly drunk, but there was one thing they were 100 percent sure of: They wouldn't be keeping their lives much longer if the Langjun had any accidents. Without their surveillance, the Langjun would be very likely to fall into the pool and jeopardize his life. There was no way they would allow any incidents to happen while they were present.

Jiang Pengji dodged their obstruction and quickly left her spot. She stared at one of the waterside pavilions not far from her.