Happenings in Shangjing (XIII)

"Hey, a skinny kid wants to stand up for this idiot!" The fat boy showed his teeth and made a threat while he waved his fist.

The handsome young man was not scared at all; it was as if he did not see the huge fist.

"I can't beat you in a fight, for sure." Feng Jue only had a boy attendant with him. Although he had learned horsemanship and archery before, he could only defend himself and had insufficient lethality. "However, it's a bit too much for you to bully others by relying on the number of people you have."

"Ha! Leave if you can't beat me, and stop muttering nonsense in front of me. You can either watch him get beaten up, or come over and get beaten up with him. This is Shangjing. Does anyone not know who I am? How dare a sharp-tongued scholar stir up trouble!"

Feng Jue looked unperturbed and replied in a relaxed manner, "Although I'm not a match for you, it doesn't mean that no one can subdue you."