Rebuilding Xiangyang District (XVI)

"Huaiyu is back... Changsheng, your daddy is back."

Wei Jingixan rose up, Feng Jin took the opportunity to carry Changsheng who leaned towards him.

This child is very sharp, her memory is also good. The last time Feng Jin returned home was five days ago, and the child liked to be close to him.

 "I went to survey the apartment the lord gave to us," Feng Jin remarked. "It is very decent."

"Your wife heard the old maiden mentioned that plot of land is even laid with bricks on the main road."

The people in the era, have they seen these bricks before?

Initially when they started rebuilding the main roads, some even stole the bricks in the middle of the night. This triggered Jiang Pengji to anger.

Later they arrested some and punished severely. Then it stopped.

"Our apartment is also similar; it looks clean and the servants and maidens will have an easy time cleaning it."