The Lord Who Protects Her Own (I)

Even before he approached, he could smell the strong scent of wine coming from Jiang Pengji's body.

"Why did the lord drink so much wine?"

She replied, "Huang Song visited. Since he came to offer me fine wine, I obliged him by drinking. If I hadn't, wouldn't I have been at a disadvantage?"

Feng Zhen nodded, not wanting to dwell on this matter. His purpose for coming hadn't been hearing whatever advantage the lord gained.

"My lord, you must head to the drill ground immediately. Hanmei, that punk, got into a dispute with someone."


Quarreled with someone?

She recognized every word in this sentence, but she couldn't understand them when all these words were put together.

"Hanmei has such a good-temperament, why would he start a fight with someone for no reason? Moreover, they really fought until they reached the drill grounds?"