Prince Changshou Proclaims Sovereignty (V)

What could be worse than rejection multiplied by heartlessness?

This was perhaps what the crown princess felt towards Jiang Pengji. She had even gone to the lengths of covering her entire body with a scent that would arouse one sexually. Yet the latter had acted like an old monk. This had caused the crown princess to be tortured by her sexual yearning for more than two hours. Before she left, Jiang Pengji had even knocked her out!

When the crown princess awoke pensively, her eyes were filled with embarrassment. Her alluring figure had stiffened like ice. She somehow couldn't move at all.

"Help me back to my palace. Then get Xiao Xiazi to come over."

The inner palace was a lonely place. This, along with a lustful husband who was frivolous and loved new women, caused the crown princess, who had already given birth, to be treated coldly.