Blazing Heart

The grey-black flames enveloped everyone, and a time limit appeared above their heads. Ten minutes!

This challenge was not very difficult. Kruder's soul floated motionlessly in mid-air, allowing it to be hit by both ranged and melee attacks. As long as the DPS you dealt was sufficient, it would not be hard to defeat him.

Seven people already died earlier, so their damage output had decreased by a chunk. Add that to the fact that Old Green had been kicked out, and the party's DPS output clearly did not quite make the mark.

"Fight, dammit, fight with everything you got! Everything!" Hua Feiwu kept roaring.

"Comrades from both guilds, listen up! I don't care what class you play, I'll personally reward 5000 yuan to whoever deals the last hit to that boss!"

Delicately Cute's voice was not very loud, but the impact her words made when they entered everyone's ears was enormous.