Unbeatable Luck

Ever since Fire Ice saw the video that Li Yi sent her, she started to distance herself from Hua Feiwu, being cautious when she comes online and goes offline, intentionally avoiding him.

Today, she did not manage to avoid him, she accidentally met him at the bottom of the Fire Mountain.

At that time Hua Feiwu and Scumbag Wang were together seemingly debating about something. They seemed to be in a heated argument, only stopping when they saw Fire Ice.

"My friend Fire Ice, this is Huashan Guild's Vice Guild Master, Wang'er."

After Hua Feiwu introduced the two, the first thing that came out of Scumbag Wang's mouth was, "She has a nice body shape, but her boobs are a bit small."

"Guild Master Hua, I… I don't want to be your friend, you… can you stop bothering me."

Fire Ice finally built up the courage to say this line, before immediately running off.