Summoning the Explosive Ape

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Disaster upon disaster followed. Li Yi and the Wutong sisters defected, and the team instantly fell into chaos.

Assigning Not-a-confused-brother to help the Wutong sisters to interrupt the Little Fire Dwarf Monsters' skill was a decision that had been carefully considered by Li Yi. There was only one reason for that. Although his ATK and DEF indicators were not qualified, but if something went wrong with the main tanks in front, he would be able to fill in immediately. Holding out for a while would not be a problem for him.

Not-a-confused-brother did not make any mistakes. Seeing the Wutong sisters defect, he immediately turned on Righteous Wrath (the attacker can generate an additional 30% Aggro value for any attack, and it is a Paladin's divine skill), taunted one and slashed at another, seamlessly transferring the two Fire Dwarfs' Aggro onto himself.