Flower Underpants

"Listen up, bastards. The reason we're stealing your boss today is all because that square-jawed man in your guild is such a piece of scum. Pthu, scum!"

Scumbag yelled as he led his men into a charge.

Back when Scumbag Wang had been collecting a toll at Eastcloud Valley, he had once been beaten up quite badly by the large square-jawed Werewolf man and the latter's men. He had taken this incident to heart as one of the greatest humiliations in his life, so he had been contemplating revenge all this time. Only recently, however, he received news from a reliable source that the large square-jawed Werewolf man was a member of the Dream Guild, and that he was appearing around the Barren Land quite often these past few days.

Scumbag Wang had personally led the scouting team and died eleven times on the way before he finally reached the Barren Lord's territory and saw the large square-jawed Werewolf man with his own eyes.