Who Else If Not You Would I Plot Against

In a deep ditch on a plain, an Armored Warrior exposed half of his body. He was shimmering in white light as he hurled strikes on a gigantic red tiger before him. Behind him, a short distance away, an Orc Priest and a White Elf Sky Vagabond were taking turns at healing him so that he may resist against the attacks of the gigantic red tiger.

Indeed, there was someone attacking Crimson Tiger King!

Li Yi quietly crept over.

The HP displayed on top of Crimson Tiger King was showed 2360000/6500000.

Once he got a look at the trio's faces, Li Yi was struck.

He knew the three of them.

Armored Warrior, Fallen Star; Orc Priest, I Love Beast Beast; and White Elf Sky Vagabond, xxx.