Kiting in its Prime

With Little Drunk Cat Guild's current capabilities, they were no match for Savage Tribe, even if an elite party was sent out. Likewise with the situation with Confused Fox. That Old Fox was constantly showing his hand at all costs. It was obvious he chose the lesser of two evils, which was to endure major injury rather than risk the core.

Li Yi did not use anyone. He only had Chen Yang pass on the message that the war was ongoing and to kill on sight any from Savage Tribe and Star Fire Guild.

The number of those quitting the guild surged again. This was to be expected as these people were insincere in joining Little Drunk Cat Guild to begin with. It would be strange if they did not scatter seeing how things panned out.

Let them be. It did not matter. The guild's popularity was good enough.

Li Yi's first target was that black-robed wizard, Yu Xuan in Savage Tribe.