Holy Shield Paladin

The next day, Jiaojiao came online. Li Yi called Chen Yang and the rest over, gathering ten people to initiate the Curse Book quest.

The drop rate of Curse Book Part One, Part Two and Part Three was more scarce than rare. There were some large-scale guilds that sent out several hundred of their members to farm for months yet came up empty.

The Curse Book quest could be shared with members and the limit was ten people. There was no time restriction upon acceptance of quest. There was also no need to form a party and could be completed at will.

Jiaojiao logged out after accepting the quest while Li Yi went on his way to clear Curse Book's initial quest, Root of the Fall.

As the races differed in acceptance of the quest, the content was not similar. Amongst the ten, only Li Yi was of the human race. So naturally, he could only go about the initial quest alone.