Mermaid Princess

It was not a little goldfish that Li Yi had grabbed with his two hands, it was obviously an extremely dreamy woman.

This dreamy woman had a face so beautiful that all beauties would be envious of it. Her hair was blue, wavy, and long and she had an extremely tiny golden bra on her upper body to match with her gold and shiny fishtail as her lower body.

Is… Is this a f*cking mermaid?

System Notification: [You've successfully seen through the disguise of the Mermaid Princess and have obtained the super rare mount Mermaid Princess. However, your actions have stained the pure princess mermaid and the latter's Affinity towards you have decreased by 100,000 points. The princess mermaid's attitude towards you have reached Very Disgusted and the points are still decreasing…]

Startled, Li Yi immediately withdrew his hands. Damn this elusive sensation! There was literally no difference compared to touching an actual person. The sensation… was pretty good.