Virtual Evil God Statue

"I have recognized your loyalty, but your friends beside you are a precious existence. Once you lose them, can they return to your side?"

An icy cold voice rang out and the Curse Book automatically flew out of Li Yi's backpack, transforming into a virtual humanoid statue.

Clad in majestic black armor, this was the virtual projection of the Great Evil God that was banished into an alternate dimension.

"My physical body is not here, this virtual projection only has a ten-thousandth of my full power, but if you use it to save your friend, it shouldn't pose any problems."

The Evil God took a deep breath and blew at Little Elf from the Magical Realm's corpse. She revived on the spot instantly. Her body was also enveloped by a golden light, she had leveled up.

This is a blessing from the Evil God…